Computer Setup


I see you're a photographer?
I bet you slay poon
I liked it until I saw the fedora
Very clean, and the posters rock! Makes me wish I'd kept all those posters that came in the big PC game boxes back in the day.
The LoZ ones are actually from a club Nintendo reward and the others are from Kari Fry.
Damn, I want those posters!
Love the gaming setup but your PC on that small shelf made me hold my breath, hopefully it's secure!
The whole tower weighs about 30lbs and those shelves can support quite a bit more!
Do you have a link for your wallpaper? I love kiwis!!
I feel like a rubik's cube belongs on your counter.
I have that same table top :D
Nice book collection, I didn't see Brisingr or Inheritance though.
Am downvoting because no venasaur poster.

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