Computer Setup


I know who you are.
I won't slash his tires gosh...
What do you do for a living that requires 10 monitors??
It's just a job. I work at the Network Operations Center at Texas State University monitoring networks. I have all sorts of information on Texas State's network and servers and Sul Ross University's network and servers. We also rent out rack space to Lamar University, so I monitor those too. I also have the UPS, automatic transfer switches, backup generators, server room A/C, and weather to worry about. And to top it off, I can just walk to and from class to work.
What tools do you use for monitoring? I wish I could have taken a pic of the soc at south Texas. That place is nuts. They run ~30 42" lcds. They had to install more hvac to keep the room reasonably cool.
Nagios, SiteScan, and various cameras and sensor pods. That's, that's so many screens.
Random question, do you know anything about the Texas State CIS program?
I do not. I'm in CS.
As soon as I saw that pic I said to myself, "This person must work at a SOC/POC/NOC."
Texas state? Small world.
If you're interested in a better weather monitoring / radar program, I'd recommend grlevelx.
I would "monitors everything" if I could. But yes I'm curious about OP's work...
A better question would be, what can't you do for a living with 10 monitors.
I dare you to go to work dressed as Colonel Sanders. When people walk by you should go one about being some sort of architect. When no body gets the joke you should take down some of those screens - unless you can pull off a decent Max Headroom. Max Headroom is gold, maybe you should just start with that one.
I can't actually dress up. I had to wear a costume for a class at one point and was basically told to not do it again and bring a change of clothes. There are windows to my back that face into the hallway and data center, so people can see me. It puts the "wrong" image about the NOC. However, I will deliver eyeballs! I work next Sunday and will deliver then. I do actually have a pair of filtered glasses that I wear for work. I write code and game all the time anyway at home.
The real question is, why do none of these monitors have College Basketball on them?
Are you my brother? Or are you my brothers friend?

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