Computer Setup


Nice, I love the gif delivery!
Agreed, I'm getting ready to post my new setup as I have a new computer. I might have to give the gif form a shot.
Awesome theming with the Aperture stickers, wouldn't be able to share where I could get some, could you?
Unfortunately I cannot. A friend got them for me as a gift a year ago. He also bought a gela-skin for iPhone and a water bottle, maybe that can get you on the right track!
I feel like such a idiot for asking this, but what's the thing holding up the mouse cord?
No question is stupid enough not to be asked! I have no idea what it's called but it's a "thing" used to ensure that the cord is always at the right distance. I bet you've experienced how the cord slowly slips away and all of a sudden you find yourself struggling with getting it back to you.
It's a mouse bungee, I think, razer makes one :)
Man you're right. It even says "Mouse Bungee" on it... palm
Haha it's okay, we all make mistakes. Amazing build/computer setup by the way!
No question stupid enough? So when did you stop hitting your wife?
I've never had a wife.
That's awesomely cool. Well done.
What is the keyboard you have?
Cool, I have been thinking about getting a new keyboard. What are your thoughts on the Sidewinder X6?
I really enjoy mine. The removable numpad is great since I don't have a ton of desk space. As a TKL keyboard it is quite small while still giving you access to most of the macros you might set, since it uses a single row of six keys, but with three storage banks.
I think it's great! I've had it for a year and a half and I'm so pleased. You can change the side of the numpad (or go w/o it), there are 30 possible macro-keys (I use none) and it's over all a nice keyboard to use.
It took a bit of time to get used to it, but now after three years everything is fine.
Does the teddy bear look angry to anyone else?
Angry? :O I've had him and cherished him since I was an infant, how could he possibly be angry? ;)
Maybe just a funny angle where there looked like there was an inverted triangle on his forehead. doesnt look angry when i zoom in.
Haha, that is the "cuddle mark" ;)
Homicidal hand puppet? i like it!
This is such a great idea. Might have to try a gif like this when I get my new rig. ;)
Please do! Comment here or PM me so I can see as well! :D
I think that .gif made your gaming setup five times better, not that it was bad to begin with. It was awesome.
That's just what I thought too! :) I've been thinking about posting it here earlier but never been satisfied with the pics. Finally I figured out what to do.
What screens are you using. They're really nice.
Those are a pair of Acer GD245HQ. 120Hz, 3D-ready. They have a little bit to much bleed imo but I got them for a $150 discount so I'm satisfied!
I was about to say that the 3D and refresh rate doesn't make up for the awful 16:9, but at a $150 discount they are worth it.
Not gonna lie...coolest gif I've seen. Totally doing this when I setup my new office. Thanks for hte inspiration!
Love that background. Use the same one!
Pink mouse bungee : fabulous!
What's that other thing in the PCI slot?
It's a "wireless network card" :)
When still living at my mothers I had the intention of not pull a cable across the whole apartment so I bought it. It didn't work out that well, but I still have it in - one never knows when you're at an airport with you desktop and need internet!
That was cool. What desk is that?
I bought it at IKEA (in Sweden) a couple of years ago. I have no idea what it's called though and I doubt they still sell it.
If you don't mind me asking, is that a corsair 1500 gaming headset and has the drivers completely fucked up your computer yet? Mine did..
It is. I have had minimum problem with the drivers but I recently uninstalled the Corsair Software and from now on I'm only using what Windows supplies. It works flawlessly!
You see, when I try and use the drivers that corsair supply it caused major issues with my computer and headset. Maybe the drivers on my certain headset was malfunctioning or something... I hope, I've contacted them and they say that they will do an RMA.
What was your problem? Exactly!
Is* and the problem is that whenever I download the drivers, my computer basically won't allow me to use skype, the volume mixer, or anything that has to do with audio like a music player. It just freezes. Also when I try to switch from default to 7.1 speakers, and the bypass settings the program freezes. It also takes me decades to turn my computer off because it is waiting for windows to stop playing the logoff sound...
Hm.. That seems weird. :/ I had some problems with the headset at first. Noise was an issue and also I had some problems with getting Skype to work properly.
I've done that, but I don't use the corsair driver's anyone, I just use what windows downloads when you first plug it in.
Are you running Windows 8? I had this exact problem when using the drivers at first with my Win8 installation. I was able to get it sorted out by completely uninstalling all drivers, restarting my computer, then redownloading and installing it by running the installer executable under compatibility mode for Windows 7.
No, I am running windows 7.. it's such a bother.
I want to bookmark you more than once
I have that keyboard! I love it so much!
If only it was mechanical... T'would be the best keyboard ever. I actually prefer it over my other mechanical boards.
What do you like about it ? I have one too and also really love it. But i saw the upcoming Corsair K70 and i has all the features that my X6 has plus mechanical keys which makes it really interesting.
Glad to see I'm not the only one still rocking the func!
Simply the best! I have a huge DotA 2-steelseries that I got from a sponsor but I haven't even opened it. I love my func!
Nice setup! Can you please share your wallpaper? Thanks;-)
Ah you made my Google all Swedish!
Haha xD I hope you enjoy it!
I use the same background
I have those same monitors! And are those speakers Creative A220's? I ordered those the other day, how do you like them?
They sure are sir! I don't know what you paid for them but I gave $45 for them, and for that price they are really good. If I had a bigger apartment I would absolutely buy a "larger" sound system but as I said: For 45 bucks they're great!
Like what you did to the case. And good choice of case- because we got the same one lul.
Very creative! I looked at it really fast and looked again and something was different and I was confused. Lolololol
You have just reminded hundreds to clean their desks. Thank you
Man I wish more people made gifs like this. I hate clicking through coolcomputersetups albums. Also, nice rig!
I have the exact same speakers and have them the exact same way.
Is that a wall-mounted candle or something? If not, disregard. If so, where do I buy it?
Can you specify? :) I don't see any candle..
I see now that what I thought was a large candle was simply your light , haha. It looks in the pics at the end like it is a partially burnt giant candle or something. Being a fan of dim, natural lighting, I burn candles a lot and this thing looked to be sweet. I imagined it burning slowly and collecting wax somehow so it wasn't messy or something.
Aaaah! I see. Well, as you figured, it's an ordinary 70's desk lamp. What you're talking about seems really cool though, I might look into it!
Got the same screen! Awesome !
It's a Fractal Design R3. I think it's great!
Coolcomputersetups: gif = credit
I'm looking at the same two monitors.
How big are those monitors? Very nice.
Where is the Teddy bear?
It's currently sitting inside my racing helmet on top of a shelf behind me.
I have the same wallpaper on my phone. Nice setup!
What do you think of the corsair headset? 7.1 . I think the cord is to long :P and you?
Your laptop position scares me.
Haha, obviously it's not placed on my right side when using the desktop.
You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.
I've had that teddy bear since i was a baby. im 21 now and went home and found it over spring break last week
Nice, And if you don't mind me asking... What monitor do you have?
Love how you had to let everyone know you had a laptop

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