Computer Setup


...HAD money. now he has a gaming setup.
Disregard monetary resources, acquire epic computation.
Those cards are begging to get wet.
They are. I'm getting a full loop once the 900D ships. I can't fit that many rads into the 800D.
I just installed a thermaltake water 2.0 cpu cooler, now you have me freaking out. please elaborate!
He's talking about watercooling. A full custom loop for my CPU + GPUs, and probably the southbridge as well.
False alarm everyone...turns out i suck at hardcore gaming lingo.
He meant that OP should put the cards under water, meaning he should watercool them. It has nothing to do with the CPU cooler, you'll be fine.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I meant OP should turn his 800D into a fish tank and get some clownfish up in there.
Plus ~$1000 for Macbook Air
400$ worth of ram. That's the price of half my build. Damn.
Yeah, please don't be stupid and ever buy ram like this nor ignore and buy voltage locked 7970s as this guy did.
It's just throwing money because he can. The cash from the ram could've been put into a good audio setup or something else. XFX's cards are loud, hot and locked, the cash could've been thrown into better GPU's, especially since OP said he wants to put them under water.
It's throwing money away either if you can or cannot. I'll agree with the comments you made thereafter.
What kind of things do you do on your setup?
Me? Facebook and spreadsheets. I occasionally play TF2 and League of Legends.
Please tell me you're joking
Bro check out my new sweet gaming rig I built to play World of Warcraft.. lol
What's the difference between the middle card and the other two? Mine only says 7900 too. Are they the Black Edition cards?
They're all 7970 Black Editions, but one of them is a newer revision, hence the different text. I'm not going to be able to watercool the new revision once I get my loop, so I'll have to buy another older revision.
Ah that sucks, different PCB?
Yeah, different PCB. The new revision was actually worse. They removed VRMs, among other changes so that XFX could save money.
Are you going to sell your newer one? I could possibly take it off your hands if I get some money next week.
Is that picture from ikea?
I assume you game on it, how's the experience with 3 1440p monitors?
Link to table? I am moving to a new apartment soon and want to set up our gaming stations like this.
What do you do for a living?
I was expecting you to own an oil company or something.
Are you implying that both scenarios are not possible at the same time? :)
If you have 3 displays and 3 GPU's is there an advantage to running CF/SLI or just using 1 gpu per display?
Eyefinity to game across 3 monitors.
Ah. You can't do that with the separate cards?
You can but you need a hell of a lot of graphics memory, 1GB is just about enough to game in 1080p, in 10803 3gb is about enough, in 14403 you need a whole load and I doubt even the 3gb of a 7970 would cover it. 4GB 680/6GB Titan would be the only single cards that could manage it as far as I know, unless you ran every game in the lowest settings.
Sapphire 7970 Vapor-x Ghz 6GB edition can do it, although I think you will need to get 2 of those in order to have decent fps in games like crysis
Pretty sure 3GB is enough to cover 1440p at good settings. For max at 1440, CF 7970s are the way to go.
3GB isn't enough for 1440*3
True. Personally, I would have dedicated a GPU to each monitor, because RAM doesn't stack up in CF.
SLI/CF makes all the cards into one virtual card. An example would be that you don't get more memory from having more cards in SLI/CF.
I'm not sure about these specific cards, but I remember reading that some cards only have 1 DVI-D port, which is required for that resolution.
As someone with triple 1440p monitors, this is my end goal.
Awesome setup. What convinced you that this amount of power was necessary? Rendering, PW cracking, from the future, what?
I originally only got the monitors for multitasking and database work, but since I already had 7680x1440, I thought why the hell not and bought a computer that would be able to play games on them.
This has to sound like you're at the airport when you are playing games
Sick monitors and all, but I face-palmed at what OP actually uses all of this for.
I reflexively uttered "jesus christ"
Good god man. i had one of those cards and it would tip over 75C. cant imagine the temps on those bad boys. amazing setup though
I have your keyboard and I'm afraid that might be the closest I'll ever get to a setup like that :(
What is the center game?
I wish they sold cards with no on-board memory at a slightly lower price, specifically for SLI/CF setups.. since the memory goes to waste anyway.

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