Computer Setup


Definitely need to do something about those cables
Nice setup. you should either replace or clean your dust filters though.
Going to do a thorough cleaning as soon as schools done in about 20 days! until then studying :(
Really cool! I've found that those long folding tables make for great desks if you want a lot of space!
You should dust everything off then it would look better. But nice setup!
I have a plan for cables! just need time to actually get it set up
I love the SKATE series especially 1&2, it's a shame EA cut SKATE 1 multi-player so soon and why they didn't make a SKATE 4 I'll never know?
Skate kills it! so awesome
As a Halo fiend I approve these pics.
My friend gave me the same sound system you have! The Logitech X540. I love it! How do you like that R.A.T. 5 mouse?
Rat 5 is good, kinda picky about the surface that it works on. You need a certain texture of mouse pad. The width is also a little weird. It feels too wide with just the index and middle fingers on the buttons. I use my middle on the scroll and ring on the right button; perfect size for that.
You should get your PC off the carpet
Its on a piece of wood
Oops! I see it now. Carry on, good sir
You should get your xbox off the floor.
I have that same table :D

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