Computer Setup


That's not cleaning.... That's an overhaul
I think overhaul imply's I added something. There is nothing in the second picture that isn't in the first. (The chair is there, just out of frame.)
How did your 360 controller and mousepad turn into a second display and second set of headphones?
The smaller monitor is there, behind the first. You can see the red wheel from the base behind it.
Man, I wish when I cleaned my gaming setup a monitor would magically appear there :(
Haha, the monitor is actually there in the "before" picture. See if you can spot it. Hint: Look for the red wheel at the base of the monitor.
Nope, can't see it :P
It's directly behind the bigger monitor. You can only see the base of it.
Oooooh I see, I was looking for some big red thing. What does that wheel do?!
You need that Guiness in the afterpicture as well. That is a glorious drink!

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