Computer Setup


I don't care that you're a sophomore in high school, but I do care that you think I should care.
That's one way to avoid misusing the semicolon; however, I would advise you remove the capslock key if anything.
I play Terran in Starcraft 2, and L is the lift off key, I found myself often pressing the : key instead of L. Which would lead to dead bases from Zerglings.
Masters Terran player here - that L and semicolon misclick used to happen to me ALL the time. I would recommend simply rebinding "Z" to the lift off key.
I too am A high masters Terran! I dont like playing Grid style however, and SADASD just always felt good to me :p Whatever works man!
Nice, I got a phantom 410 in black, i painted the matte black accents red to match my naga molten, and sidewinder x4. all I need now is some new fans, and red LED lights for it to be 100% completed.

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