Computer Setup


First, I apologize for the low quality photos. My iPhone 5 is the only camera I own for the moment. Second, a little explanation for the setup: During work hours I am in OS X on the iMac with the Asus as the 2nd monitor. During non work hours the iMac is split between Windows 7 for gaming and OS X for everything else. The Asus is then switched to display Plex that is running on my Mac mini server in the other room. The old dell monitor to the right displays my Mac mini server all the time. Again sorry for the cell phone pics.
God damn I love Plex. Looks like you've got some drives to replace though.
Agreed. Plex is amazing! Especially with the new web interface. The Drobo on the left is at 95% capacity. Solid red. I need to delete some movies but am lazy.

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