Computer Setup


I'm moving across the US and will be working remotely. I went ahead and ordered a few things and had them delivered to my destination. The moving truck will be arriving later today. I'll post a new album when I get my desk, desktop, other monitors, etc.
I'm thinking of moving across the country to (NYC to la), i dont have alot of stuff to my name ether
Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of stuff (wife and kids), it just wasn't here yet. But yeah, moving the tower is a little scary. I just built my rig a couple months ago, so I kept the box/styrofoam the case came in. I should've put a little stuffing around the sides as well, as it looks like the movers weren't incredibly careful and dinged it up a little. One thing I did make sure to do was take out my GPUs and wrap them separately in antistatic bags and surrounded by thick bubble wrap. The weight of the GPUs could've snapped the mobo whenever they dropped the computer (or whatever they did to dent the case.)

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