So what do you do with that monstrosity of a printer?
I like how the ink cartridges are out because those suckers are 75$ a pop. That's $400+ in color.
Is anything holding the glass down or could you tip everything over by accident? Looks cool though.
Oh yea totally, the third row support in the back is like a clamp more than just a support.
Ah okay, it's hard to see with Mickey Mouse's hand blocking but I think I know what you did. Again, looks really cool. Makes me want to work on my standing desk soon.
I gave him what-for for messing up my photo shoot. I have it on both sides too obviously.
Are those CISS tanks in your printer?
You are the first person that I have EVER seen have one of those keyboards besides the thousands with dust at every best buy...
Is that an R2D2 coffee mug? If so, I have to have one!
Damn, that is so awesome. I sure bet you have fun.