Computer Setup


Would have included much more mouse room.
Yes! I don't know how people play with the mouse so close to the edge of the table. I have nearly my whole forarm on the table when I play
Gaming vs utility. If someone doesn't play games that demand accuracy - they tend to set their mosues to incredible sensitivity for ease of use. Heck, many people play RTS/FPS games and still do that. I know I did - and let me tell you - changing that habit after about a decade of heavy computer use was not an easy transition.
Well if your mouse has a high sensitivity, then you should be able to get your mouse across your entire screen easily within that area.
As a long time QIII/CS 1.6/Source player, twitch aiming for me is more precise than anything else.
Twitch aiming isn't necessarily worse though, which is better with high-sens.
I used to hold this same point of view but when a friend suggested I should lower it, after some time, I hesitantly lowered it. When I got used to 360 CPI, I loved it. Here's what some of the top level CS players use in terms of settings:
Yep that's why I have it on high sensitivity, I don't want to ever have to lift it up.
I've been playing on a high sensitivity forever. I use 2300-2600 DPI. Takes me like an 2 inches to get from one monitor to another. I play games like Cod4 and Garry's Mod completely fine.
2300-2600 isn't very sensitive, I have my mouse on 6400 DPI all the time. I'm so used to it now.
Holy shit that is ridiculous, I feel like you couldnt do anything with dpi that high, unless you have messed with other settings?
Nope, it's just that high all the time. You get used to it. I should probably gradually go down in sensitivity though.
Why bother? if you can handle it that high and you think its the best for you?
It's not very good for playing games
I have it set to 6400 DPI as well, but my sensitivity is purposely lower. More precise.
That's actually the point of ridiculously high DPI. You turn sensitivity all the way down, and DPI all the way up. More precise without having to have arms that are six feet long and a 3 ft. radius for your mouse space. Also, armpits on the table for my exaggeration to make sense.
Pretty sure you wouldn't get 1-1 if you've done this.
Yeah setting your windows mouse sensitivity to anything other than the middle option is bad for accuracy
Well Logitech has their own device config but I'm not sure if that changes it.
I can move my cursor across both my monitors with no more than three inches of used mousepad space being used and vertically I don't have to move more than the flexing the tip of my finger joints.
It's not for the reach, it's for the comfort, there is a lot less strain on the wrist if the forearm is supported.
Maybe for editing video or something... but when you're in an intense Cstrike match you're body is not sitting in the right position to properly use your armrests.
Your body should be in a position to use your armrests. If you're on the edge of your seat, try moving your monitor closer to your keyboard.
All high school students should sit up straight in class.
But high school students don't value the benefits of good posture because their bodies are still capable of taking that abuse. I'm 28, and am already feeling the effects of shit posture. I recently built myself a new desk/workbench and did a lot of research to ensure everything is at optimal position. It has helped a great deal in my back pain.
I'm glad you're finding a solution to your back pain! I am still 23 and I suppose I haven't come to value the benefits of good sitting posture either. All I know is that I move often while sitting at my computer.
Mine goes across both monitors in about an inch, yet I have a 16in x 16in mouse pad. Its interesting to see how my mouse patterns have gone from using my whole wrist/arm, to merely just my fingers. I guess I can see why everyone rages when they try to use my mouse.
Yeah I have a pretty large mousepad you can see where the mouse has worn down the original color of the cloth around the original black.
Came here to say the same thing. I guess he doesn't play FPS. Other than that, it looks really awesome.
I do play some FPS games, not a pro but the space I've got is more than enough; using a Logitech G9 on high sensitivity & able to move the mouse across both monitors without any issues
You're going to mess up your wrist with the keyboard and mouse so low. At rest, your hand and forearm should form a straight line and not be angled at all.
I normally don't preach "pro gamer" nonsense. But there is a reason most of them use a dot matrix printer pad sized mouse pad. Low sensitivity + large area gives you a crazy amount of pin point accuracy.
To be honest, that amount of room is absolutely fine - it's the keyboard that is massive. Seems as though OP is a gamer and might want all those extra keys, but once you go tenkey-less you never go back
I use a M570 Wireless Trackball to solve the same problem.
The lights look blinding, did you put a dimmer in?
Got a switch that turns off the green light leaving just the 4x 120 fans on the sides that have quite discreet lights at the fan speed they're on atm (about 800rpm)
Good luck getting that out from a fire.
Out of a fire? It'll BE the fire.
Really cool man. I think it would of been really cool to build the computer components onto a drawer you could slide in and out if needed. Still a very cool project and gaming setup!
Also, what chair is that?
I initially read that as "custom deck with PC built in."
It looks really nice, the bad thing is if you have to get to that pc to change something out you have to take everything off.
Thanks ! the font bit under the monitor has the plexiglass attached & is on 2 45 degree hinges so it opens upwards to 90 degrees; will post a pic of it tomorrow
Good guy OP. Says he'll posts it tomorrow...posts it less than an hour later.
There's something trippy happening on the matte areas of your keyboard in that pic - I like it.
Man despite all the shit talking in this thread that table is actually fucking amazing. I really want something like that one day. Good fucking work.
Looks painful to use, with that little mouse+keyboard cubby.
How much does it cost to do something like this?
"Hey guys I'm hosting a LAN party next week" "Sounds awesome, got room for a table?"
It seems to me that the place of keyboard and mouse is way to low compared to the height of the chair.
Take breaks every 30 minutes!
You should add a place where you manage your cables or hide them somehow
Love the front panel additions on the right, looks awesome!
Man this looks awesome. I would love to have a desk build. I am saving this shit so I can build my own some day!
That looks awesome! Great job man
Not just awesome, straight up inspirational. Nicely done sir.
Very creative and interesting approach. 2nd to last pic reminds me of a retro arcade cabinet. It looks like the slit right in front of the monitors lets quite a bit of light shine directly on the monitors themselves though... might want to put a divider (mirror?) keeping the light contained to the PC compartment. Big fan of custom desks.
This is great! What are the temps like compared to a normal case? Is it louder or quieter?
True story. as it's got a decent amount of air flowing through now I plan to take 120 fan off and see how it copes with just the 140 in Prime95; if I'm happy I may take the 140 off too and have a go at a passive setup on the cpu - it's a non overclocked i5 2500k so it runs pretty cool by design
Love the desk man. Looks great!
Wow top class case here... If you don't mind me asking, what are your temps on this fine set up ?
Two thumbs way, way, up. Clean up those chords under the desk though for aesthetics.
That's a legit build, great work!
This kicks any cases ass well done mind if i borrow this in the future. Also how do you control dust build up on the inside
Thanks ! I've got filters on the 4 120mm fans on the sides, it's also relatively easy to get in there, just have to lift the monitors and the bit underneath lifts up at 90 degrees as it sits on 45 degree spring hinges
I didn't want to be the guy drinking the Haterade but I was curious about dust too. It does look awesome tho
This was my question. Cant tell if its sealed or not but dust?
Building something similar myself, it seems to collect far less dust than a normal case, but I'm also in the case a couple times a month...Filters help a ton as well!
Yeah... I am unsubscribing from this coolcomputersetups, the jealousy is getting to me.
At that point i would have somehow made the table adjustable so you can sit and stand at it.
May I ask what the bay attachments are? The three on the left.
Just a dvd rom, a zalman fan controller and an ICY box 5.25 bay with usb 2 & 3, memory card reader, esata & audio jacks. Also got a small button that controls the lights
What if you want to upgrade something on your computer?
Take off the top of the desk and you have your computer.
This seems like a lot of work man, Goodluck. Looking sick so far.
That is sick, good job.
I have seen many gaming setups but this takes the cake! I love this. Though, like stated above, the mouse space is lacking. Still awesome!
That opening has like plexiglass or whatnot right? I would drop so much shit in there.
It's going to be a bitch to clean the keyboard area with those acute-angled walls...
I always wanted to do this.
How about a picture when its dark so we can see how well the desk really lights up the room?
House the mouse, Have enough room?
Hide those wires and this BS is legittttt.
Your desk is your computer.
How much did this run you?
You should post specs and a screenshot of benchmark
That is not lan friendly
I think there needs to be a rule that if PC is shown, specs must be provided.
The voip phone is corded ;)
I want to do this so bad, is there somewhere one could acquire build specs for something like this?
What temps are you getting?
Is the top of the case sealed when closed? I'd be freaked out about having drinks or food on my desk with all that stuff inside. Or do you just not eat at your computer :P
Well the perspex rests pretty tightly on the front board, I eat at my computer a lot ;) haven't spilled any coffee on it yet but I reckon it should handle it
Amazing! How is it on handling heat?
Hold on, let me bring my fucking desk to the LAN party.
What is that chair? I looked through all the comments, but I think I'm the only one to ask. Killer build, OP.
Got it about a year ago from Argos, it's nothing spectacular but pretty comfy
Damn these gaming setups get better and better on this sub
I have been wanting to do this exact thing for a while now. Do you have any tips or advice?
Looks nice, but the keyboard/mouse placement seems inconvenient.
Looks pretty awesome. But aren't you worried about overheating?
That is a really cool desk/case! Only question is how difficult is it to get to the parts inside?
Not difficult at all. If you can see he didn't put the top if the desk on until everything was inside. The desk is also very spacious which makes it easier for placing parts. Easier cable management for the wires too. All in all a great idea.
Looks great, you should grab a smaller keyboard to give yourself more mouse room.
You know those moments when you wish you could give someone more than one bookmark? Yeah, I'm having one of those moments.
As a really tall guy, this would not work for me. Dat legroom...
Well, he did build it for himself. If you build one just make the table-legs higher?
If your PC is in need of repair, How would you get it fixed if that happened?
Did you even look at the pictures, or did you just read the title?
Because the #1 thing I want when i play games is a bright green glare projected directly onto my monitor
What a waste of time and money. Must be nice having a disposable income. If you ever want to move your computer you have to move the entire fucking table. And have fun if you ever want to get a new table.

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