Computer Setup


That looks great. That's the 300r right?
Yea it is, at the time i was torn between spending a little more and getting the 400r but im really happy with the 300 plenty of space and airflow.
I have the same desk but mine has a tray that the keyboard sits on. good job on the cable clean up!
Mine did have that but my chair was too big so took quite a few things off including that.
I got it at office depot or office max, one of those places. and yeah my chair hits it too, but i threw some 2x4 chunks under the wheels to get her up just that extra bit i needed. did yours come with the shelf system as well?
What did you use to clean up the cables? Anything special or just cable ties and some creativity?
Its like watching porn.. so clean..
I had that exact desk at work. It's nice but the smudges, oh the fingerprints!

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