Computer Setup


Windows XP on a MacBook Pro? Really?
What else would I put on it? Mac OSX? Please.... I enjoy PC gaming, but cannot afford a new computer just yet. I'm saving up to build one this Black Friday. Until then, this is what I got.
You could have done so much more with this
Like what? I don't mean to sound rude, I'd love to improve my gaming setup, but I'm not the creative type.
Get a desktop, get OSx (why would you run XP?) and don't "stack" your monitors
Okay, that all makes sense to me. I've been saving up money for a desktop that I'll build around Black Friday this year. The only reason I'm running XP is because I like to game, and you just can't do it on OSX. Once I've got a desktop though, that will be no problem, and my desk is clearly large enough to not stack monitors, so I'll try that out.

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