Computer Setup


Mmm rack gear. Bitches love rack gear
Are those speakers on the sides?
Those are acoustic panels. They're filled with dense insulation and help absorb sound reflections!
Have you posted this before? The whole setup looks familiar to me, somehow...
I've posted a different setup in the same room! This is the latest incarnation. I'm constantly buying and selling equipment, so I like to post an updated picture every few months.
It may be the chair that tipped me off. Or I may be stalking you. At this point, I'm not entirely sure.
He absolutely posted the table when it was finished being built. It was probably a month ago or so. Might not have been in this coolcomputersetups, I can't remember.
LOVE that keyboard. I have 3; one for work, home, and one just for solar backup; lol. (since my home is used in a basement; sometimes it will die after 5 months)
It is a phenomenal keyboard. Mines been running about 7 months straight with no problems!

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