Computer Setup


Mha Gawd. I love the way you show your PC evolve from a piece of shit with a OP PSU, to my dream PC. :)
In that first pic it looks bad, real bad, but the pc aint too shabby. A qx9650 is still a powerhouse from 2007.
Sweet build. Gotta get yourself a new keyboard though. I mean the x4 isn't bad or something but jeez, with a setup like that you can probably afford it ;o
Your're right. It looked a lot chunkier and mechanicalesque on amazon. I need a decent mechanical one.
Cm storm quickfire rapid is a good affordable option! Watch out for sales, can be had for as little as 50 bucks.
Not a bad shout. Added to amazon wishlist until it comes down in price a little - full key, red lights £88 on amazon right now
I really like those fans.
They took some time to configure right and am still at it with them. At first I thought there was a problem as some were spinning slow. Then I realised it was the Asus suite automatically setting them to 'smart' mode. Over an hour of freaking out, cable swapping and google searches. It's like a wind tunnel in there now
Second time I've seen that cooler(the bequiet) in a build over the past couple of it something new?
I think i know the build you mean as it is also a fractal r4 case and titan card build.
What kind of temperatures have you gotten from it?
I need to spend an afternoon checking out the temps so nothing to report really
Hmm. Well, if you do, send the results my way! I'm curious to see how it performs.

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