Computer Setup


How do you like the 4770k? Compared to older chips?
I updated from an i7 930, so it's quite a leap! but the difference i see in games is quite big. Games are running much smoother at higher FPS.
Sweet! My friend went from an fix processor to an i7 3770k and ocd it to 4.7-8 hes in love with it. Planning on taking The leap over to Intel also.
Sweet setup! What Gigabyte card is that?
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 Windforce 3X, has performed very well for me, doesn't go over 45 degrees Celsius usually.
This is how computers should be - at minimum.
Much appreciated, I aim to be quite minimalist but still have the hardware there to push games hard. The smaller 24 inch screen is for gaming and my larger 27 inch screen on the right is for movies etc since I can watch them in bed in my small room.
Storm Trooper with custom window?
Yea, i ordered from and they offer the case with and without the window.
What sennheisers are those and how do u like them?
They are the PC 360, and they are brilliant. The best gaming headset I have had yet. I would usually stay away from headsets and buy headphones/mic separate, however I have had no issues with this product and would recommend it to any gamers looking for a gaming headset.
How hot does she run at load ?
So far playing BF3 and other intensive games the CPU will only reach highs of 40 degrees Celsius, however more through testing is still needed!
Why don't you put the samsung in front and acer aside?
Good question! I have my larger screen at that angle as I watch movies on it in bed etc (my room is very small) and my 24 inch monitor is 120Hz so I use it for gaming and face it directly in my chair.
Quite a large psu, does your system really draw that much power?
Have you had any problems with your MSI Z87 GD65 mobo? And how do you like it?
I just picked up a 4770K and that same exact MSI board today. Won't be able to install them for a couple of weeks though. How do you like the mobo?
What was the reason you went with i7?
I went with the i7 as I will be needing the hyperthreading for video editing and running multiple virtual machines at times. The i5 will do just fine for most games though.

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