Computer Setup


Very neat and clean. I love it.
Those speakers..what/where and why did you get them pllus do they have rca inputs for your xbox? (console gamer looking for new speakers as my current ones just blew out from age..)
What lights have you got behind the monitor?
My guess is Ikea diode
Mac, console, self-powered speakers, muh M50s, gaymen headset, no mouse.
Rule #2 from the sidebar:
I have nothing against OP. It was more of a joke than an indictment of the guy's possesions.
Fair enough. Also, your username makes my teeth hurt like a motherfucker.
You forgot the Battlefield background.
Is that a 360 fan intake?!
It goes right over the vent, it just blows the vented air forward so heat doesn't build up in the confined space that it's in.
My iPad on the wall.
Yes and how big is it? How wide is that desk
WHERE DID YOU GET THAT LIGHT? I must have it. Now.
I see your GF finally got off of the Sims. Is it my turn yet? :C
Ha! I love the iPad mount. I gotta pick me up some of those. Why do you have your Mac mini elevated though? All the vents are on the back.
I have two external hardrives under it.
Obviously I am blind. Nicely done.
Where'd you get that desk if you don't mind me asking
Do you actually game with the touch pad? I like the lights, I might borrow that idea down the road.
No, that's just for my Mac, which I don't game on.
Mr. Orange practicing the commode story. I like your taste in movies.
I have 6 movies on my iPad and 5 of them are Tarantino films.
Mount for the monitor? Where'd you get it?
Sweet, i'm going to either buy that or a really cheap one from Newegg :D
You should set up the ipad to be sideways so when you're laying down in bed it looks right side up and you can watch netflix while lying down.
I am so fucking jelly right now..
Nice GoT swag. What a freaking amazing series.
Haha, love the iPad holder!
Aren't you using the left speaker on the right side?

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