Computer Setup


Please buy some decent headphones. I also don't really like the keyboard and there are better alternatives at it's ludicrous price. But otherwise it looks nice.
I got the keyboard on sale for $90 at a local store, i wouldve never payed $150. My gf bought me the headphones as a gift. i also have a pair of razer carcharias headphones that i normally use for gaming, just didnt get them in the pic. and thanks, i think?
Gaming headphones aren't any better. You spent a lot of money on shitty headphones that are only popular because they're marketed to insecure teenagers who define themselves based on the shit they are seen wearing.
Dude I just told you I got the beats as a gift, i didn't spend a dime on them
You can get a G710+ for around $100 pretty easily, and it's an excellent mechanical keyboard. There's not much out there that's even equivalent at that price.
I like it alot. My big thing about it was that it actually had dedicated media keys, not just a function button
Yeah that's my favorite part, I rarely use the macros. Also the volume slider is quality.
Posting a picture of Beats on coolcomputersetups is a mistake.
Yes I have now realized that, wish I would've known before I put them. Would've definitely left them out
Sorry man. For what it's worth I like your set up. Also we have the same speakers. For some reason if I put the speakers up to my ears I can hear constant static. Does yours so that?
Idk I haven't listened to them that closely. They sound excellent while I'm sitting in my computer chair though.

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