Computer Setup


Gotta love the In-N-Out drink in the little black container. Just made me giggle for some reason.
Had to up-vote for the fact that your running BitchX...
I thought BitchX had two blue bars and irssi only had one?
You can customize irssi to have as many bars as you want based on how many windows you have open simultaneously and which theme you use, but the default theme has a topic bar and a nick/status bar.
That cup-holder is pretty legit.
Thanks. gotta think outside the box lol
Outside the box = inside the cup-holder.
I picked up the KRK monitors and subwoofer (with stands) yesterday after I saw an awesome deal on craigslist. They sound phenomenal, and hopefully I can pick up some sound absorption pads and bass traps in the next week. Let me know if you have any ideas for improvement! ty
The real question is what you're using for a coaster!
Good question... I think it's this thing
That's a ridiculously un-fancy object for a cupholder.
Somethin' about purple LED's really gets my heart aflutterin'.
There's another light on the left side that's red (to match the background) but it's pretty hard to see during the day. I'll take another photo when it gets dark so it'll be easier to see
Believe it or not, in my quick glance at your picture, I missed the light you're talking about. I was referring to that beautiful keyboard. Heh.
Surprised you remembered. Awesome lighting, OP. :P
Lol thanks, it's a bit overkill imo. I'm probably gonna end up toning it down soon enough
I'd personally go with one color, but I enjoy minimalism, so that's probably just me.
In n out! Used to work at one of those. Great setup
How do you like the Scarlett(looks like a 2i2?) and the KRKs? I've been wanting to pick a Scarlett series and some Rokit 6s for a while.
Yeah it's the Scarlett 2i2, and honestly I'm not impressed. I get a bit of noise (though that could be because I haven't properly treated the speakers with a power conditioner yet) and the music starts/stops when loading applications and the drivers are really buggy. I'll be replacing this interface within the next week for sure. but do a bit more research before taking my word for it because it could just be a faulty unit.
If you're looking for an alternative audio interface, PreSonus's AudioBox 22VSL is time tested. I personally own one and for the price point have not seen anything better. I have several friends who also work in low to medium quality production settings and they have been perfectly pleased with it.
I think I'm just gonna live with this interface for a while and then see if I can get a deal on a Tascam US-1800 or something
I have a 2i2 too. :)
Keyboard sitting on giant mousepad balanced out with another mouse pad like myself? Have an bookmark sir.
We have the exact same monitors... Unless yours is a bigger version. G235HL?
2 G245HQs (23.6inch) and 1 G24H (24 inch)
Super similar to my setup. I love my rokit 8's.
Hey, I have the same monitor stands!
So this kinda freaked me out.
Did you win it in the raffle? which MLG did you get that at? I wonder if we've met
Hey what kind of musical keyboard is that?
Thanks! much appreciated!
Hey that's a really nice lookin desk. Where can I get one?
Now I want a ducky :(
As someone who knows nothing about audio, those look like expensive speakers. Also, wallpaper?
*nix or windows? I'm thinking that my next machine will be a pure *nix setup, but I'm a bit hesistant, since VST support is wonky..
Windows. I get my *nix fix at work, and fully committing to linux on my desktop is just a stupid idea because it's not worth the amount of effort and there are too many applications/games I'd end up giving up on
My Rokit 5's now look very pathetic!
That's a pretty slick setup you got there! What software do you use for the music production? I'm trying to get into it
Ableton Live is straightforward, highly recommend Logic if you have a mac too. honestly it's all preference, just download something and play around until you get a feel for it. literally anything that makes sound will work
Yeah! I've been dicking around with ableton but I really need to pick up a cheap MIDI controller! thanks!
As a music producer who also games, I am truly envious. This is just draw dropping.

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