Computer Setup


Cool stuff. How much did everything cost?
Those chairs are around like 500-600 a piece? I nearly bought two for my living room but the wife over ruled said decision.
How about a shot of the home theater in action?
I think they are those round flat things in the ceiling. Minimalistic, but what about the quality?
Does it have a computer set up as well? Just wondering.
Wouldn't be a computer setup with out it.
Must be fun being rich. ..them chairs ain't cheep.
You don't need to be rich to have something like this. Like the saying "You can have anything you want, just not everything you want."
Much like how I see a lot of people with nice cars live in a not so nice home.
One of my bosses told me a story of how when he worked for a bank, his boss drove a Maserati and lived in a trailer.
They're actually pretty affordable. You can get them at Ashley's. Also they're available online for around 450 if I remember correctly. I nearly bought two of them.

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