Computer Setup


Looks like you're about my age. I had the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A.
That's the one... With the speech synthesizer plugged in on the right side.. Nice.
That keyboard probably felt awesome.
I still remember the CHIK CHIK CHIK of the keys and the CHUKKA CHUKKA of the space bar...
Mechanical keyboards are still popular today though.
They are, and I love them. My wife loves them, and is using one right now. But I also know where my love of mechanical keyboards comes from, and it's rooted in memories being generated in that picture.
I remember playing Bolo on that after school. My family didn't own an Apple II, so I'd stay late at school and play.
Most people here probably don't even know what that is.
One of those "pee sees" the kids are all talking about these days

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