Computer Setup


What do you use the G5 for and why does it go to the larger monitor (or is it a hackintosh?)? I'm a G5 fan and still got one!
I use it for web browsing, garage band, movies occasionally (if I'm working on something or I'm in bed) and for general learning of how to do shit in OSX.
I gotta ask, what do you use your MDD for?
If by MDD you mean the G4, it's not hooked up atm. I just had to move the computer to the left a bit and it felt weird having an empty space so I pulled it out of storage to place there. I would use it for storage but it generates too much heat + the fans are broken thus sound like a fucking jet runway is located in my room so I don't use it.
You just reminded me how much I love Nos. I think I'll run out and get one. Thanks!

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