Computer Setup


How about getting a bigger desk?
Why can't you have the case on the floor, or in the cabinet space on your left? It looks like it would fit.
It does fit, barely, but it sticks out about a foot in the front and it looked pretty stupid, I suppose I could put it on the floor to the right if the desk, the thing I would be worried about then would be the accidental spilling of a liquid into the big fan on the top of the case, it had happened to a friend of mine who had a similar case, and it did'nt go very well, I think my best option is to buy a new desk definetly
Then don't put it right next to the desk then. Cables should give you enough slack that liquid wouldn't be likely to reach it further more, nothing is stopping you from putting the front opposite to the desk with the right side to the wall making even harder to spill liquids on top of it.

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