Computer Setup


The kid seems to be a bit young for the game dont you think?
Yes. Yes he is. What do you think will happen because of this? Shouldn't I let him play it?
I have no place in saying the effects of it on a child's mind as I am not knowledgeable on the subject. But it does seem that exposing somebody who appears to be less than 8 years old to such a graphic game would be the best move. Worst possible outcome I can think of would be nightmares or something of the sort but things from childhood can be some of the most longlasting effects in their lives. I'm not saying he shouldnt play the game or games of the sort, I just think it would be better to let him mature a bit more until he can better understand the concept of the actions in the game.
You should let him mature enough until he is able to separate video games from reality. Children soak up information much easier and quicker than adults. Exposing a child to violence at that age doesn't seem healthy in my mind. Try Mario Kart or Animal Crossing instead.

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