Computer Setup


Nice setup, I like that couch
Did you buy all of this, or just all of the computer equipment?
I bought the couch for a hundred dollars actually and the white ikea framing stuff is old office stuff that my step dad used to use. the TV was a combination of christmas money and a returned gift for credit at future shop on boxing day a year back the Xbox was free from a telus promo. but im changing some stuff and selling what i dont need to feed the money pit that is my room.
Holy hell. that is like my exact build except i have a 7850, and a razer mouse.
Which mouse did you get?
I have an oldish razer deathadder. the blue one. haha. got it for free though so i cant complain.
You wouldn't be able to complain if you'd paid for it. The Deathadder is a phenomenal mouse.
Nice reg bud i use that same graphics card
Why does every post with a high-schooler have to mention that he/she is in high school and paid for everything them-self?
As a high-schooler in this situation, I can honestly say, because there's a sense of pride that we can accomplish something like creating a gaming setup while still being fairly young and not being able to get a good paying job, HOWEVER we don't have to pay for a lot things that hold most back from building a gaming setup (family, taxes, houses, cars, food, lack of time) and still have family support.
Fuck me, recent University grad here and you've got a nicer place (and PC) than I do. (Although I have to worry about security deposits and rent now).

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