Computer Setup


This One I bought it for $40 Would I recommend it, yeah.. But if you can spend more I would go with another mount.
What size are those monitors? It looks like the same style as mine, but those look like they might be bigger.
20" Acer G205HV they are decent for around $110 but I plan on upgrading to something better and bigger.
Oh I have the 185. I love the design of it. It just has that aggressive gaming kind of look.
Yeah that was one of the reasons I bought mine. Just time to upgrade for me though
Well, if you, ummm... want to give them away or anything... I mean...
I already sold 2 of my other ones for 75 each
Why go through all of that hassle when you can just give it away to me for free?
Nice setup other than the interesting fact of you not having a mousepad

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