Computer Setup


So.. whenever you stop using it... you come out of the closet..? Couldn't resist.
Your color scheme is....Interesting. How's the heat?
Pretty good actually, cpu never breaks 20C and gpu never breaks 50C, i eventually plan on switching out the red to green, the red was when the entire thing was still black
Wow that other station is sure something, roomate's?
That one is my older brothers. he plans on putting it up this week.
And he has Senn HD598's, a solid set of phones!
Ya he just bought those last week, he says the music quality is like having sex with your ears. lol
I need to find a better place for my tower...
Don't mean to pry, but how did you afford all this awesomeness? I'm a teenager myself and I'm looking to build an awesome gaming setup but I can't afford it.

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