Computer Setup


What am I looking at? Some kind of radio telecom workstation?
Slick setup! You try any of the computer adapter transceivers? You should post your antenna setup.
There isn't much of an antenna setup haha, just a 40m dipole made of speaker wire outside. Fed with ancient ladder line. I thought about giving psk31 a try, but never really got into the digital modes. Unless CW qualifies as digtal haha.
I did almost exclusively digital modes a few years ago. Then bought a house with the intention of being able to get some better antennas up, turned out I have been too busy with kids, fixing the house, working, running a business that doesn't make any money, etc..... Finally getting back into it with that TS-120.
Whats a ham radio station?
Oh my... I can hear the 'good reception' jokes already...
Sometimes I realize how old I am on Coolcomputersetups.
Did you ever see "Contact"?
Or talk to your dad that died in a fire.
If this question was on a test, I'd say its a radio station that talks about hams 24/7.
Mother please! I'm communicating with my fellow hams!
Expected Led Zep. But was not disappointed.
What antennae do you use and what channels do you actively use? im beginning to be trained for ham radio usage :D (already have my military A and B cut but they changed to the I-cut -.- )
I have a simple dipole made up of about 60ish foot of speaker wire. Strung it between the trees in my yard. In ham radio there really aren't specific channles (Except in the 60 meter band), you can pretty much use any frequency you want in the part of the band your license allows you in.
If i remember correctly i use the 1.## frequency usually and ive been looking for a good set up thats less then $1000...
Thanks and yeah it was set up to run off the radio towers or any tower as long as a reciever/sender is hooked up to it..
It's cool, I don't want you to get in trouble with them haha.
That's the most "Battle" Gaming setup since that guy posted his LMG.
I know but where is the post. Thats what I meant.
I wanna see that too, does anyone have a link?
I also want to see it!
Somebody... Anybody have a link? Anybody!
Not that Link, the right Link. I wanna seeeeeee
That's what I thought when I saw it. Looks just like the stuff they had at the HAM radio club at my old school.
Not to mention the poster on the wall that says "for the love of HAM radio".
Haha how did I miss that?
Lucky your school had a radio club. Mine doesn't, and they even ditched the whole metal shop to make room for the football players weights.
I believe it was donated by one if the technology teachers. It was just a room the size of a cupboard.
Which school if you don't mind me asking?
At the time it was known as The Priory LSST, now The Priory Academy LSST but I don't know if their clubs still running, I wasn't involved with it myself.
I've had older pictures on there before of the station, figured I'd try here this time.
Just as some information, ham isn't an acronym for anything so it isn't written in all caps. It comes from a time when people who were amateurs at morse code were referred to as ham fisted.
All power to the forward deflector array!
Reminds me of that movie where the dude help solves his dad murder by talking to him through a radio.
I seen that movie a dozen times, I love it. That radio on the right end of the desk (not on the orange stand)is the same model used in the movie. Its a Heathkit SB-100.
That was a great movie
My dad has a sweet ham station as well, I keep trying to get him to post it!
I prefer a country ham station
Really cool! Show him this, it might give him some incentive! My dad's got a station too, but it hasn't grown nearly as fast as mine.
What exactly do you do with all this? Listen to stuff?
Listen and talk. Talk to other ham radio operators anywhere around the world if the conditions are right. I can also listen to shortwave broadcasts. There's voice, morse code, and dozens of new digital modes to tinker with.
I tended to like the digital modes when I was active (regetting active again). There was so much focus on contesting on SSB, and I'm less than 0% interested in contesting.
I agree with you on contesting. It really just annoys the heck out of me. But I still do like sideband. As long as there's not some lid yelling "CQ CONTEST CQ CONTEST ANY STATION ANY WHERE BLAH BLAH BLAH CQ CONTEST".
I should probably just try to work 30 more, no contesting.
I just avoid major contest weekends.
That's really impressive! I operate off of a single Baofeng UV5R (2M/70cm HT) that I've mounted in my car and converted to a mobile rig using a Diamond NR770HBNMO antenna and K400 mount. I mostly operate from the road and I have found it works well!
Thats pretty much how I started. HT and a bicycle haha
-.-. --.- -.-. --.- .- ...- . .-. -.-- .. -. - . .-.. .-.. .. --. . -. - -... .- - - .-.. . ... - .- - .. --- -. .. - .. ... --... ...--
--.- .-. .- ..--- ----.
Computer not required to qualify as a gaming setup. This is some legit badassery.
This looks more like a gaming setup then anything I have seen posted on gaming setups.
Best way to get around NSA's escapades.
Except that there are agencies that monitor radio broadcasts as well.
And now you're fined by the FCC.
Using those undetectable public radio frequencies - Genius!
Before we begin, please listen to some personal messages. "Jean has a long mustache","There is a fire at the insurance agency", "John walked his dog".
Oooh whats the oil lamp for..
Are you spying on the soviets?
Collins on the far right?
Close, it's a Hammarlund HQ129X
Is posting my callsign a form of doxxing?
I noticed the Led Zeppelin poster on the wall. You have my utmost respect.
...then I noticed the Confederate flag and all respect was lost.
That's some sweet oldschool gear you have there. I'd love to set up an HF station in the future, but for now I'm having fun on VHF and 10m.
This impresses me a lot more than a bunch of gigantic monitors.
Thanks! I fell in love with old gear.
I see Led Zeppelin, so this is awesome.
You sir are an American hero.
Dats nice. Is that a kenwood in the middle there? I just bought a ts-120
Yaseu FT-101ZD. Good luck with the Kenwood, I had a ts-700 when i first got into the hobby.
That's one very nice looking chair! id you make it or buy it somewhere (or maybe it's from a different era)?
My old middle school was tossing it. Got it and a bunch of old computers for free. It's probably 30 years old, but in fine shape. I'll look for a model number if I can find it.
You happen to be in Northern California? I could use your assistance on a short film if you are!
Sorry, opposite coastline! I'm in NJ
Little Odessa to Nova Prospekt, Gordon freeman is on his way, I repeat, Gordon freeman is on his way.
She doesn't look like much, but she's got it where it counts.
Can you/do you ever broadcast music? If you do that's really cool.
No, broadcasting music is illegal on the ham bands.
Become a pirate! Just don't be a dick and transmit on a frequency already in use. And watch for the fcc.
Yeah of course, just don't take what's not yours. How would the FCC go about catching someone doing this? I'm guessing they have receivers out there that could pinpoint the transmitting location to a few hundred yards? It can't be that can it.
That's precisely how they do it. They drive around for a bit with directional antennas connected to a reciever. Once they triangulate the house that has the transmitter they go in, Bogart ALL transmitting equipment, and issue a hefty fine.
But I just wanna play a lil jazz :(
Didn't a law pass in the last few years that allows "pirate" radio stations if they stay under a certain power and don't disrupt existing stations? Or is that a state by state thing?
Sorry, I cant post my call letters. I dont want my name and address public.
CQ, CQ: W9GFO come back...
Had no idea what you were talking about, googled it, now i'm sad.
How many aliens have you contacted?
Nice Confederate flag, are you hoping to pick up secret radio signals from some of your escaped property on the underground railroad?
Nah, just a country boy teenager. Never got into all that racist shit. Too much politics.
The Confederate flag is THE symbol for racism. Its like having a swastika flag and trying to claim "it has nothing to do with nazis".
The confederate flag can be whatever you make of it.
The second guy actually has a point. You can hang whatever flags up you want, but the confederate flag is a symbol of racism in America. The swastika had nothing to do with Nazis until Hitler fucked it up for everyone, but if you hung up a flag with a swastika on it up today, you would be labeled a nazi.
HAM radio guy... fucking up everyone's electronics and forcing them to buy those stupid ass ferrite cores
Technically, your devices are the problem, not his radios. Part 15 non-licensed devices are required to accept all harmful interference received, and you have no standing to interfere with his operation or ask him to cease operating due to interference in your device. Look at the sticker on the back of any consumer electronics device, and it will say exactly that.
Technically, it was a joke. Your autism must be interfering.
It's a double edged sword remember...There's a reason I dont have a pc up here. The power supply noise.
What the fuck is this shit
I like this guy. Gets right to the point.

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