Computer Setup


Dude, you get my bookmark for more things than just Halo CE.
That is actually correct. There was a sticker underneath that said WARNING: FAP IN PROGRESS but someone took it
I fail to see how this is acceptable at your house.
Thanks! We have a bunch of them, actually!
Best keyboard ever, dude.
What is the corsair block thing over the cpu?
It's a watercooler, the black thing is the waterblock
Correct. For the love of God, DO NOT GET ANY CORSAIR WATERCOOLERS WITHOUT THE "i" SUBSERIES!!! A couple reasons: They are not as nice quality; the tubing feels much cheaper, there are more fan hookups on the i series coolers, and there is software available to communucate to the cooler with, called corsair link. It lets you do A BUNCH of stuff, from setting alarms to fan speeds for anything plugged into it to EVEN CHANGING THE COLOR YOUR WATERBLOCK LIGHTS UP I have it set now so it emails me if it gets too hot while I'm not home, and the color of the water block is set to get closer to red the hotter it gets, and closer to blue if it gets colder. Really slick stuff! And for the price difference, you really can't say no!
I am digging all the pink floyd. But I am also hating on the copies of windows xp hanging from the wall lol

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