Computer Setup


Please for the love of god, get that machine off the subwoofer.
Not only will the vibrations hurt it, but I'm going to assume that the sub isn't magnetically shielded and will eventually cause data degradation on whatever drive you're using.
Came here to say that
When my friend built his machine in this case, we didn't think about the PSU blocking the Graphics card, he has about 1mm space between the two.
Seriously, the official steambox is a joke. The price to performance ratio is a INSULT to gamers everywhere.
Link? I've read only 3rd party offerings/rumors.
Pretty sure that's all there is right now.
I love the way your eyes crinkle at the corners when you smile.
What "adapter" do u use to be able to use xbox 360 controllers with ur computer??
They work straight out of the box with wired controllers; also Microsoft sell this receiver for wireless controllers.
Id love to know this too
There is no official one from Microsoft, so this has to do. Microsoft stopped producing it, probably because they don't want people gaming on Windows anymore, they'd rather you use an actual Xbox. Chinese version are all that are left. They work just as well though, so no problem there.
There are plenty of official ones... i own an official one that i bought in Best Buy...
Hrmph. That didn't pop up when I did my (relatively quick) search.
I never heard anything about them being discontinued. They've seemed to go up in popularity heaps as of late.
When my friend went to Best Buy to get one after Building his PC, he got the last one there, and was told that it was the last one that they will ever have, because Microsoft stopped producing them.
Cause information sourced from employees at best buy is always the most reliable.

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