Computer Setup


Is that a Logitech g930 in the back?
A g35, basically the same but wired.
Nice setup. You should get a CPU cooler and OC that CPU
I'm going to, i just have to get an SSD for my laptop old 80gb HDD is just not good enough.
Vnice dude :) especially for a first set up! I wanna swap my 750w now for a evga. Had no idea they made a 750. Btw we have same gfx card in our builds :) 780 for life
Yea man ill bet! Good stuff :) Check out my rig/setup on coolcomputersetups :)
It looks nice, do you use 2 pc's, or do you just have a spare case under your desk? :)
Just a spare case, I currently have about 1/4 of the components to get another rig up and running. Just have no use for it right now, so I am in no rush.

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