Computer Setup


I feel ya man, captian of the S.S. "I-just-spent-$700-on-a-graphics-card-as-a-college-student" here
I know. I also benefitted heavily from that month-long graphics card diet plan.
Low on cardohydrates. (I'll let myself out.)
slams the door on Radof's way out
When i started working my don't eat buy PC plan stopped, and I gained weight fast lol. I was like how did this happen, then I recalled splitting a pizza 6 ways with friends and saving $10 at a time for a graphics card or something.
Continue to live that way until you build immense wealth.
Im about to buy a house now, so back to the ramen diet.
That plan worked well for me!
Got any tips for a good graphics card that can be SLI'ed for under $150?(need some side cash to upgrade my psu..450 wat)
There isn't a point to SLI'ing cards that total $150 if that is what you were asking. Im selling GTX 570's atm, a single card going for $150 would get you 35-55 frames in BF3 on ultra. 2 cards SLI would get you 70-100+ frames totaling $280.
I'm pretty sure if they boost their price just a little higher, they could go for a 660 or 7850 - somewhere around there. I remember seeing a 660 go for about 180... It might be a nice investment.
Yes, the 660 is great card at $180, and if spend just a little more than that you can get the 660Ti
Except a new 570 will cost ya $550 while a new 660 will only be $200
I've seen 7950s on sale for ~$180-200 lately. Would be worth checking out!
Sweet now i just need a god damned job :)
Cards might still be here if you get money then, pm me if youre interested at all
$150 is what your asking right?
If you are still interested then, contact me. Although it is highly unlikely that I will still have the card at that point.
True but if you do lucky me :D
Yeah, i mean who knows. The buyer for my monitor backed out last minute, but I remembered a guy saying he'd have the $ in a week. Wouldn't ya know it, he contacted me and bought it just like that in a weeks time like he said. I have more faith in people after that
Huh i was going to buy a monitor from someone on coolcomputersetups but backed out last minute...just chekced and it wasnt you.(family finance problems are a bitch. especially seeing as im 15 and working but my dad just lost his job..well he qoute on qoute lost it as they cant do any work at all due to bullshit reasons up in the govt. so more or less he has no job so me and my sister are supporting our family till our dad gets a new job.
I'm running a 670 w/ 3570k on a 450, works great. So your PSU isn't a problem for a single card, although the 570 does eat more power.
Probably, could under clock it and lower voltage until a new power supply is available
Not that worth it though, i would get the new PSU then save up more than $150
I shall join you in about a fortnight, sir. Possibly two. We shall have cocktails on the bridge.
Just steer clear of the icebergs.
I'll melt them with the 780
I'm right here with you guys. $670 for a GTX 780. Feels bad man.
I misread "soon" as "son" and proceeded to chuckle quite merrily.
Fermi is much more cost-efficient!
So, a college student who prioritises finances as follows: hardware > drinks > rest.
Nice! What did you buy? Back in the day I bought the GTX590 for around $6 or 7 hundred when it had first came out (which was awesome as it was $1000 like any other dual GPU card that first comes out).
Got a GTX 780 reference. My priorities have never been straight-er
I have that card, it is great
And without a single regret.
At point does the money spent on a graphics card start becoming diminished returns? Won't that $700 graphic card become a lot cheaper in a year?
This is why I stay at least 6-8 months behind the curve. More stable product, much lower prices. That and I don't buy games until they've had at least two patches, and the last patch has been cracked. So I'm about a year behind in games as well. Works fine for me. More stable product, much lower prices, and mods are plentiful, tested, and patched.
I usually wait for those bundled steam sales or humble bundles. It's nice to pick that up and have every game be new!
Yes it will. But I wont want to play the most powerful games that are out currently in 1 year's time.
How you liking that 780? Pretty rad eh?
Fuckin a it is fine :) idk if you follow Frankie on pc, but his 690 pulls a max of 60 frames in dayz. This pulls 60-110. And I'm installing arma 3 alpha ATM
I'm getting my second 780 in a couple months. Truly amazing bit of tech >_<
What did you end up getting? a 780?
Cockpit refers to a plane or jet, SS refers to a ship, a 'bridge' is the control room of a ship.
Oh, you don't have a girlfriend either?
Nope, married 6 years with child due in a matter of weeks.
It's a joke... But, after seeing your last response it doesn't surprise me you need to correct someone. Lol...
Yes, being married means i need to pick battles I can win.
That hasn't been my experience. Sorry your relationship isn't sound.
I didn't presume anything.
Your relationships are not representative of all relationships. Thus, you have presumed that mine is unstable because I prefer to avoid arguments with my headstrong wife.
It's a joke... But, after seeing your last response it doesn't surprise me you need to insult someone. Lol...
Hahaha jokes on you then, right guys? forever alo...oh
Comment of the day, well done.
You must be fun at partys
He probably has a boat. He must be fun at parties!
What about on a spaceship?
There's a word in there, not sure where.
But smaller ships have a cockpit.. Say, a fighter on a large carrier spaceship in science fiction. So, what about an intermediate sized spacecraft? Like say in firefly?
You've found the one caveat, congrats. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
I always preferred the sith for swtor any who. I was secretly hoping there was an additional intermediate term I just didn't know about.
Girlfriends can be overrated anyways...
I dunno man...regular T&A is pretty damn awesome.
With that setup, I am assuming his porn is very awesome.
Hm... niche market: "porn for eyefinity setups/people with weird screen layouts" (when 1080p doesn't cut it)
NSFW link above BTW.
Ain't nothing like the real thing.
Don't get me wrong, THAT part is awesome. I just mean all the extra crap that goes with it can make it a hassle...then there's the time it takes away from other things...there are times I miss it, and times I enjoy the freedom.
I understand entirely. I lucked up and found me one that enjoys the same activities as me. Subsequently, she has her own gaming setup.
Mine enjoyed a lot of the same activities, just had different priorities really. Had her own computer setup as well. Now I have more time for those activities than ever.
His Internet provider is AT&T. Close enough.
Its actually telstra cause I'm Strayan cunt
If you make the switch from LoL to DotA the ladies will come to you.
Just not Drow. I don't want her coming near me.
Pretty sure given her ultimate, she doesn't want you coming near her either.
Fuck her, man. She hits so damn hard.
Drow is so OP.
Just focus her ASAP and carry some dust after 12 minutes (when she typically gets lothars). You know, I think the idea that's she's OP has floated around so long to the point where bad players pick her because she's "OP". the thing is though, those bad players just pick her because they want an easy win and bad players are exploitable. I don't think I've lost to a Drow in a while...
I've played drow for most of my dota games (note: I am by no means "good"), and I would have to disagree with the sentiment that she's op. It was much worse when there weren't as many heroes to choose from. True it was really bad when they buffed her aura and ult, but now that she's been nerfed, there are a lot of other heroes to be more worried about. Like you pointed out, dust and focusing (and stuns/disables) are the counters to any drow player.
Kill her twice before she hits six and chances are she won't be giving you many problems.
Confirmed. Moved from Xerath to Razor. +20% buff to ladies.
Pudge will make the ladies scream in the overflow of cuteness.
No, but if you ditch both of those retarded games they might. a member of the 5 monitor club, and the having-a-girlfriend club, get two more monitors, then you'll have girls all over you.
Pays over $1000 on a computer - must be a foreveralone.
I was planning on having my monitors set up almost exactly like that! Do you like having the two on the sides in portrait mode even though it doesn't match the normal PLP setup of having a huge monitor in the middle?
I can't answer for OP, but having my 3 in portrait and playing Eyefinity has been the best thing about my gaming rig.
I used to have three in landscape Eyefinity, but I decided I wanted to have things on my desk other than monitors. I might play around with it a little to see which I like better; I just wanted to see if OP had any input on this kind of PLP arrangement.
What games do you have that use multiple monitors? I currently only run one 40" for my games box, but I was thinking of going ridiculous and hooking my other 40" up to that box.
Yes I do, it all works pretty well, expect it is a little bit off with where the pc thinks the monitors are height wise, but with a bit of tinkering you can get it almost perfect, you would only really notice if you were looking for it. Can recommend it though this is the best set up I've had
Not with that attitude. Chicks like confidence. Confidently say, "Check out this bitchin' computer" and you'll have no problems with the ladies.
Because they will already be out your door by the time you finishing that sentence.
Not if he finds a girl who can appreciate it! And yes, there are girls out there who do.
nods My dream is to find a nice guy and settle down and have his & hers gaming setups. :3
Is that the IRIS A-10A?
As the owner of 4 monitor setup, the girlfriend thing has yet to happen. Welcome to the Club!
Aw, my boyfriend has 3 desktops (1 for the TV, 1 he won playing a video game, and his old one) and we've been together 2 1/2 years. I also have a sweet gaming desktop, and am addicted to mechanical keyboards. I'm even pretty average looking! You'll find yourself a girlfriend :3 Technology is sexy! :D
So there's hope? Great news OP! There's hope!
My primary keyboard is a TKL purple Ducky Shine 2 with blacks. I also have a Leopold with blacks. People will try to hate on your blacks. They are wrong.
Funny thing is my friend was just hating on them, saying reds are way better...I still want a red board though. Blues I've tried, but wasn't absolutely fond of them, someday I'll try them again.
I love my blues. My RK-9100 is one of my best investments for sure. Been wanting to try blacks..
Don't forget about browns! I absolutely love them.
I've come to be obsessed with blues now that I've fashioned each of my keys with rubber o-rings.
I'm so confused! Purple Ducky Shine does sound pretty funny out of context, is that why you're saying it's the funniest thing you've heard all day? The Ducky Shine is a backlit mechanical keyboard, mine is backlit purple with purple caps-hence purple Ducky Shine. In case you didn't know :o
I think the secret to getting a girlfriend is to stop usng your gaming setup as a porn and wank station. Trust me on it!
I have the same mousepad and speakers.
Don't doubt yourself. You made the right choice.
Cable management, brother. Chicks dig cable management.
Up vote for the name of your battle-station.
What games do you play?
Bit of everything really, you cant see but I have 360 and ps3 hooked up to the main monitor. As you can see I'm pretty big into LOL atm, but played WOW, SC2, justr bought payday 2 and having fun with that
Is that wallpaper up to date, if so upload it please? :D
You're giving Steam Ship a new meaning. And it's good and relevant, though a bit monopolistic.
Be surpised, women like geeky/nerdy guys a lot more than they used to when i was a teen. Don't think you've got it that bad. :D
Love for the world of warcraft icon :X
Do you use DisplayFusion to manage your monitors? I run the same P-L-P setup and I game full screen on my middle 27" screen. I've got a bind that turns off the input to the side monitors. DisplayFusion is titties.
You need coasters and to clean up your desktop. Bitches love coasters and icon-free desktops.
You play smite... Mfw ~~> :D
Upvote for the title. a chuckle was had.
I'll trade you my girlfriend for your computer setup. (sucker!) phrasing!
How do you like the vertical side screen arrangement? I was thinking of doing the same. How did it change your experience and what do you typically use them for?
I love it, I use them 1 for music (itunes, soundcloud etc.) and the other for webpages, then obviously the main one for games
I'm giving her all she's got captain!
How long have you had that arctosa for? Can't believe you have one that works lol.
There is hope. I'm a gamer, wifey is not, but married for 15 years.
What is the right screen. im in the market for new side monitors (college student budget plz)
22 inch HP monitor I got when I bought a off the shelf pc like 6 years ago, still going strong
Is that a 27 in with 2x 22 in?
Left is 23, right is 22 and middle is 32
Upboat to you sir for the name alone
I'm glad someone gets it
Too bad I'm getting downvoted for it :( Just another day at coolcomputersetups i assume. Loved your setup thu
Left-hand monitor seems wasted showing nothing but iTunes.
Its easier to spread shit out than keeping it on a single monitor.
That's what I mean though - You only need a few pieces of data from iTunes at a time, right? (i.e. track name, artist, album art, time elapsed/duration) You could spread a lot more functionality onto that monitor along with iTunes, like system monitoring, chat clients, game clients, side-browser windows, etc.
Well i think its up to the individual i guess because for me i'd love a monitor just for either Coolcomputersetups or tweetdeck while everything else is on another monitor.

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