Computer Setup


Who have you all worked for? I'm guessing you write code for a living.
I was at Blizzard for a few years. Before that Electronic Arts and Yahoo. Currently with a startup out of San Francisco/Campbell, but working remotely in Dayton, Ohio.
Logitech makes some mice that use "Darkfield" sensors they claim work on glass. I can't verify it, but the mice themselves are comfortable.
I have one of those "darkfield" marketed mice, I don't notice any difference over any other laser mouse or traditional optical.
What keyboard do you use?
I'm using a StarCraft 2 Razer Marauder. There is a newer one for Heart Of The Swarm too.
Do you know what this key layout your keyboard has? I'd love one with that specific layout.
Im sorry if this sounds dumb, but you basicallt use the laptop as the desktop? I cant see a tower anywhere
That is correct. I've got a few other boxes around the house and another laptop (a 17" MSI gaming beast that shouldn't really have the word "lap" in the title) that I use. I've also got a few raspberry pis doing various things.
Glass tables make me cringe, but its so damn sexy!
The only problem that I've had so far is smudging. Other than that, it supports the weight of the monitor arm(s) pretty well. It isn't completely obvious, but the glass is really thick.
Its just that... My wood table can break and it would make me cry but if it was glass I would cry and bleed :/
Your Blizzard collection is amazing!
Is that a Kerrigan action figure?
Yeah, it is a limited edition statue given to employees around the time HOTS launched.
People who frame movie posters have no taste. It's not art. It's not interesting.
Saying someone has no taste because they have a framed poster is a bit broad. Both of them are signed by the cast and my wife and I have some good memories to go along with them. I think they make a good addition.
I didn't realise they were signed. I still think glass desks are stupid. It's not like there anything underneath a desk that is worth looking at.

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