Computer Setup


Did your R4 come with the blue power led or did you change it? I just did a build with the white R4 with the side window and mine is an annoying red/orange.
I added a blue LED. I used the existing red one as a HDD activity light.
What parts and OS are you using? Looks NICE! I would love to build something like that soon.
It's currently running a Q6600, 4GB RAM, 3x 3TB, 2x 1TB and 1 2TB HDDs, the OS is unRAID.
Super super nice pictures, not much of a station :/
This is HARDAC, my headless 10TB unRAID server hosting Sick Beard, Couch Potato, Plex, and general data storage.
Really cool media station! But what does HARDAC stand for? I'm probably missing something obvious, haha.
HARDAC was a supercomputer in batman the animated series that created android copies of people. My HARDAC is also dedicated to making copies.

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