Computer Setup


Thank you sir! I will miss that view. Tomorrow is my last day at this job for this summer, maybe my last day in this office forever :(
Where (if you don't mind) do you work at?
I wouldn't mind working in a skyscraper.
Yeah, san antonio is a really beautiful city. most people have no idea.
I saw that earlier! Then I saw this and I was like "Hey! wait a minute!"
Nope! Same building, though. Don't want to say where I work; I don't know if the boss would like me posting pictures of our office and telling people which office it is. Theft risk and all that.
I'm using that laptop right meow
I LOVE split keyboards, been using the kinesis freestyle2 for ages. But your keyboard is smaller and mechanical... might have to upgrade!
I am happy with my keyboard so far (although my WPM is slooowly climbing back up to normal)! Of course, if you want this exact keyboard, you will have to DIY.
Do you mostly use the trackpad for cursor input?
Do you control the weather?
What kind of work do you do?
You have to be the king of touch-typing with this keyboard!
What exactly is your work?
What is this? a keyboard for ants?
I prefer very little hand movement and more key combos to more keys and fewer combos. I think I'm significantly faster if I can keep my hands in roughly the same position. We'll see if that's correct.
I have essentially the opposite, k90, and love it but its not for typing as much as it is for gaming/macros. Your keyboard is still awesome even though it would be ineffective for my uses. Great Battlestaion anyway!
Do you use Emacs? I'm just starting to get into it and keeping the hands in the default position for all editing and functionality is a major design factor, from my understanding.

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