Computer Setup


PC Specs, if I remember correctly (Built it nearly two years ago, so forgive any errors):
There's nothing wrong in wishing flat frequency response for only music listening.
Well, most people isn't necessarily everybody :)
Not only is your machine awesome, I love the room too! So fresh and so clean!
That Pleco is going to outgrow the tank in no time.
He already has a massive tank in his future downstairs ;)
Good! That is a great looking tank! Using CO2 at all?
Dosing CO2 liquid booster because I didn't want to shell out another few hundred bucks on a diffuser and tank setup. When the tank runs out downstairs I might just switch to that and see if it works just the same, because the tank upstairs is doing amazingly well without supplementing actual gas.
For what it's worth, my 5 lb CO2 setup on my 55 gallon was ~$150 new. Having recently graduated college, I can certainly understand the hesitation on shelling out that amount of cash. It's certainly worth it if you suddenly come into money though!
Excellent, but could you post a non-bw photo? Everyone's room is color coordinated if you drop the saturation to 0.
None of those photos are B&W. That is what my room looks like.
As a matter of interest, how have you/will you leverage your major into a decent living? I know someone pre-college who really likes music composition, and the stories of starving artists are not encouraging.
Film music composition is/was the dream, and I did an internship with a relatively well known film composer a year ago that I may turn into a job when I graduate. Having said that, dealing with directors has become somewhat irritating as of lately; I scored nine thesis films last semester and nearly suffered a mental breakdown, and I find myself looking for other outlets for my degree recently.
Very interesting, thank you. Your remarks on working with directors suggest that success in film composition may be less a matter of composing ability and more of a certain mental temperament.
Bought a Fluval Chi on sale for 15 bucks. 3 fish suicides this year, have to refill constantly, which leaves watermarks, looks awesome with the waterfall but sort of a pain.
Fish jumping out of the tank often signals poorly balanced water chemistry. Did you fill the tank up from the tap and throw a bunch of fish in without acclimating them? Water straight from the tap is fluoridated and chlorinated, which is fine to drink but is terrible for the fish that live in it.
I used purified water I bought from the store at first, tank was only about 4 gallons. They were acclimated for 1 hour. Within a few months 2 out of 3 had jumped. Note this tank has no top and only water goes pretty much to the edge leaving a little less than a inch. After that I put the last remaining in my 60 gallon. Now I just have some nice looking driftwood in there with no fish, I just use tap water for this and get watermarks.
Running the water through a Brita if you have it would get rid of the watermarks :)
Where do you get your plants?
I have the same bed. That is all.

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