Computer Setup


Youre the kind of guy my gf wants me to be... Thanks...
This just made me laugh out loud haha
Can you PM me the lengths you used? this is a beautiful desk and a good idea plus i need a desk now since my old one is gone...also nice set up dude :D
Pm sent, and what receiver/ amp thing? lol
The audio equipment on the top left of your desk under the speaker..also i didnt get a pm :S
Sorry i guess i didnt click send but i just sent it again lol,
A guy with a fedora?
I've never done any carpentry work before but im pretty happy with the way it turned out. total cost for everything was only a little over $200. could have gone cheaper but i wanted to do it right the first time
You did a really great job, and your setup looks beautiful.
Thanks a lot! its taken a long time
For not ever doing carpentry, you did a pretty good job. Did you get schematics from somewhere?
Thanks! i used a few different ideas online as starting points, then pretty much customized it to my needs after that
Thanks! ill be sure to post it there
It's nice that you can afford all that gear on a college student's budget...
Its hard, I work at a car wash, i get financial aide for school but i still have to pay all the bills and stuff but anything left over from work goes to recording/music gear.
I think he was referring to the motorcycle, Snapon toolbox, and other fancy stuff. The toolbox itself must cost upwards of $10,000
You'd be surprised what you can afford if you work good hours and be frugal with everything else. Since being at uni full time and supporting myself I've got almost everything I want for my studio. Just gotta get 1 more guitar, bass, digital piano, e/drum kit and I'm done!
Exactly, when im at work, the whole time im thinking "oh that mic would sound good, or i want that guitar so bad" i just purchased my first taylor guitar, ive been wanting a taylor for years, but if you put your money towards things you want over things like eating out, amusement parks, etc it doesnt take long. also you say "done" but we all know there is no being "done" when it comes to this stuff haha
Well, by "done" I mean my essentials. What gear have you got? After 3 years of study + working 50 hours my studio is something like
Damn thats a nice setup, and i get what you mean by "done" as well i havent quite reached that spot yet. it takes me a really long time to save up for my stuff since i work part time with school. so far 2013 imac with all the fixins, apogee duet, yamaha hs80ms, axiom pro 49 , universal audio 710 mic pre, rode nt1000, blue yeti, shure sm7b, sm57's,
Neumanns, better start saving brother!
Lol i know i've got a lot of saving to do
Neumanns, better start saving brother!
This is awesome! ive never seen one of these before this would have come in handy
I'm a fan of overbuilding things usually - your desk could probably hold up 800+ lbs.
Thats so cool! if i ever do anymore big wood projects im seriously going to consider getting one of these. theres so many instances where it would be better to be able to drill in sideways. thanks for sharing!
So what did you just make the table from scratch or did you have instructions to follow or something. sorry im pretty diy illiterate.
Well i found a bunch of different ideas and plans online and i used some of the info those as a starting point, then just started building as I went. My dad was a carpenter for 20+ years so i had him on the phone quite a lot lol
That's awesome! Looks sharp as hell.
Awesome desk! Is that a torch red Mach 1 I see in the background?
HAH! i wish! ive always wanted a mach but nah its a v6 unfortunately....
The chin spoiler had me fooled! Lol I had a 96 v6 before my Mach 1.
Yeah i put that chin spoiler on a while back, i even have the back louvers and dual exhaust until i realized i was dumping too much money into my v6 lol, but i still to this day really want a mach 1, love the sound of that 32 valve v8
I've got a UPR offroad x pipe and flowmaster 40 's on my Mach and I still can help but smile every time I get on it, which is almost always. lol
How much did all of this cost and was it relatively easy? Im going to build something like this and would like to know the dimensions also
The cost was a little over 200$ for everything, like i said i could have gone cheap on a lot of things but i went with what would last. 2 sheets of birch alone costs $100.
Everything will be plugged into my furman power conditioner when i buy it so the power strip will be gone, but i still have a lot more speaker cables, mic cables etc, thats going to be back there
I have a very similar taste in hardware, I have the HS80's the Axiom Pro 49, the yeti mic even, you have a much nicer desk though, good work dude.
Very cool! I went through a lot of different monitors before i found the HS80's. theyre the only decent monitors in my price range but i totally love them. the Yeti mic i just use for demoing song ideas, instead of just using the built in mic on my imac. my main vocal mic is a Rode Nt1000 but im really wanting to upgrade it. Definitely build yourself a desk, its worth it, since you can customize it to your own specs and building stuff is a good excuse to drink beers in the garage
I've been looking for "under hutch" sized equipment such as yours, what exactly do you have mounted?
As of right now, i have a universal audio 710 mic pre amp, and a patch bay on the right side. next purchase will be a furman power condition to plug everything into
Does your chest feel hairier?
I actually sprouted a new hair for every screw i drilled
This is great. Did you get the design from somewhere or do it up yourself?
Its a combo of both, used a few ideas online as a starting point and then did the rest by what i wanted
Exactly, i was looking into buying a desk with rack space as well until i said "F*ck ill make one" lol definitely worth it
I wound up buying up a crazy huge desk with a hutch and then a bookshelf from Ikea which I use similarly to a rackmount shelf. If I had thought ahead of building my own, I would have integrated the two and have less wasted space and money.
Lol thats funny cause the first thing i did was look at ikea for desks before i decided to build one, ikea is a trap lol i have a lot of ikea shelving, stands etc in my room. its so cheap!
I dont know man, this bookshelf was kinda pricey. With all the little doodads you can customize it with, I think I blew over $200 for something that amounts to hollow cardboard with veneer.
Damn! yeah thats true ikea can either be really expensive or super cheap. i just go for all the little trinkets and stuff they have for like $2. anything big ive ever got from ikea was from the clearance section or from Craigslist lol i buy SO much from craigslist
Good job thanks for sharing.
Dude, that is sweet. I was flipping through the pics all, "meh" until I saw the built-in rack units the final result. Then it turned into a Neo "woah" moment. Great work.
Hahaha thanks man i appreciate it!
Shit dude, that is really nice. I really like everything about it, from the design to the color. If a store sold this I'd easily pay $200 for a desk like that.
I should start a business! haha but thanks!
Nice build, outcome was suprising well done. What kind of vehicle is that with the large tires?
Thanks a lot! thats my roommates Tacoma, his pride and joy along with his harley you see in the pics. as you can see it had just been through some mud lol
Absolutely! Aww very nice! Hahah yea not going to lie that was the first thing that caught my eye hahaha. Lucky him taking it out wheeling and a bike to nice. Cool good for you guys!
Holy shit OP, i'm impressed. this is beautiful.
Thanks a lot! its so cool everyone likes it so much lol
I would be scared to put all that nice stuff on one of those tables lol, ive had too many collapse on me before. i had a pair of AV40's a few years ago
It's one of the most sturdy folding tables I've had so I feel reasonably safe with it.
Damn nice! thats a steal! at least you replaced the knob and not didnt just "work around it" i hate that lol
OP, you've done what I dream of doing. It's beautiful.
Haha thanks a lot! give it a shot, you never know till you try!
Dude.. nice desk But, seriously.. tell me more about that motorcycle. Come to r/motorcycles.
Sweet Bike. Give him my compliments. I love Harleys... Thanks for the vid.
Will do! he'll appreciate it
I have the smaller version of those audio monitors. yay!
First ever keyboard tray that I agree with.
This is fucking awesome haha
My god that thing is beautiful, great work man!
Have an bookmark for the bike! oh and the table is pretty nifty too.

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