Computer Setup


That under-the-table mount is pretty neat. I did the same thing except I only use the computer as a slide show of photos. It's linked with dropbox which makes adding photos super easy. I turn it on when I have company.
Yours looks much better than mine :] But I love it and It's a good repurpose!
Looks good, i just need something that isn't expensive and has a nice typing experience as I use a Razer Nostromo for gaming!
Yeah this one is okay on the price side nothing too fancy but damn it feels good.
Thank you! I'm happy with it but I know when I move out I'm going to go for a more minimalistic type. My room is just so small and I have too much shit so I have to make it work the best I can at the moment!
Very unique, thanks for sharing!
Can we see the laptop frame thing actually turned on?
Did you use any kind of DIY guide for this?
Eh not really. I looked up "Laptop in picture frame" saw the basic design an went from there. It was hell to get the whole laptop out of the plastics. I took off the parts it didn't need and shoved the rest in!
Dude wash those pillows.. they look filthy..
Lol that's how they're supposed to look.
Very creative! I love the desk and the laptop behind the picture frame. I'd love to see what you'd do with an unlimited budget.
That bed needs 90% more freedom, `Merica.

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