Computer Setup


What's that 180sx wallpaper? Looks sick!
I love the inside of your house; the wooden cottage-y look. Very beautiful!
Thx! Alltho we are planning to paint the walls. To much wood for us..
...Paint?... Those glorious wooden walls?
I would definitely paint the walls but leave floors. IMO it makes the wooden floor stand up even more.
I can tell you with out a doubt that is the worst keyboard I have ever used. UPGRADE!! Other than that, nice setup.
Agreed, well it's actually not bad except for a major issue. It will randomly stop working or get stuck repeatedly pressing a key until you disconnect it and plug it back in. Such a pain, bought mine for cheap used so can't complain too much, but definitely need to upgrade soon.
Lol yeah i have the exactly same problem. Ive been planning to buy a new keyboard for a long time :p
That is exactly the problem I had with TWO of mine. upgraded to some lovely mx browns.
Source for the nissan wallpaper:
Very nice! What speakers are those, and do you have any issues with channel separation having your center so close to your left channel?
Cheap 5.1 audio pro set. Yeah the issue atm. The center doesnt fit under the tv-stand, i was planning to get a bigger TV when i get enough money and move the center over the window.
Just make sure when you upgrade your cabinets still match your dog. I think I read that somewhere on r/audiophile
Very nice setup and home. Good job, great post !
Dat wallpaper. Do you have a source?
I'm guessing that's your WRX outside?
That is my friends wrx, coolcomputersetupsor named Maseloki :) more pics of the car in his submitted!
Cool, love those first gen impreza's.
What type of CPU cooler is that?
Zalman CNPS9900 Max Blue
What type of Couch is that? I love it!
It's movie sofa with table and double mechanism from a local dealer here in Finland. Im actually planning to sell it and buy a bigger one
Any idea where I might find something like that in the US?
I bet you find even more epic sofas in the US :D But no idea, never been there. Would love to travel some day.
I thought this might be Finland. wood everywhere? Check. Forest just outside the window? Check :D
Sulkava here! Great place for rowing!
HereĀ“s a link for the finnish retailer:
Dude has an extra dog.. must be nice.
We actually have 4 dogs, that's oldest one in the picture :)
What heat sink are you using?
My god, I want my living room like that!

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