Computer Setup


I have that same desk for my gaming setup in "black-brown" and I love it! Good choice.
I love Ikea's black-brown so much. My whole house is slowly becoming a black-brown museum.
Thank you! I don't know what it was about the Birch finish, but it was incredibly alluring! Maybe it's because I live in Michigan and Birch is all around haha
Everyone and their mother has that desk. But it is lovely and effective.
I love it! This was my desk for the last 5 years:
Lovely desk, but i think the T-legs are better (easier to adjust)
Yeah, having to go one-by-one was a pain in the ass haha but I couldn't justify the extra $40 and actually prefer the A-leg
I have the A legs and oh my god they were a nightmare to adjust. Although they do look much better than the T legs in my opinion.
Haha yeah, I also think the A-legs look less "corporate" and have a bit more flair. Hopefull I won't have to adjust the legs for a while haha
I dont really remember the price difference, but saving $40 by having a slightly more painfull initial setup is worth it :)
What kind of desk? I'm looking for a new one.
Ikea gallant. available in L-Shape and straight ones
And here i am thinking ikea was the cheap but good quality guys....nope.
For a pretty unique desk it's pretty cheap. You can't find that many L desks for that cheap.
For some items, Ikea is really good.
I have the same FiiO headphone amplifier. I'm wondering what you think of it in comparison to the line out on your computer alone with those DT-990Pro.
Its very noticeable, I have a Xonar DX sound card as my DAC but its nowhere near strong enough to drive 250ohm headphones. The e12 has a high gain switch, but I rarely use it. I usually have the dial at 11 o'clock and its just fine
You should get the Xonar Essence STX. It'll drive those headphones and the quality of sound is amazing :D
Yeah that's a great sound card I've heard. The DX was in my budget, but then I found out it wasn't enough for my hungry headphones, so I decided on the E12 because it's all I need and looks and sounds great.
I did consider the ODAC pretty heavily at first. It was hard to pass up on the ~$100 price point. In the end, it came down to looks haha I was really satisfied with my previous Fiio E6 and got hooked on the E12! All in all, I couldn't be happier with my setup up
Should I get a soundcard and a FiiO (Sonar or whatever) or should I rather buy a Schiit Magni Modi stack, which I've been thinking about for a while? Would really appreciate an answer on this.
Where did you get the chair?
Staples, it was a little bit out of my price range but once I sat in it, it suddenly became reasonably priced haha ($150ish I think)
What's that below your keyboard to rest your hand on? How does it feel with it/without? Worth it?
It's a wrist rest which also holds extra keys inside. It came with the keyboard and was almost necessary for my old desk as it was just the right height to hurt my wrist haha
Where did you get that wrist rest for your keyboard?
It actually came with it! one of the selling points for me
Haha yep, and r/wqhdwallpapers for 1440p!
Didn't know about that one cheers :)
I notice you use WASD, you should try ESDF if you're into MMO's or RPG's. It opens up around 5 extra hot keys.
I've heard that's more beneficial. I typically play FPS and action games, so hot keys aren't a big concern
This is pretty neat. i think ill get it.
I love it, it's my first mechanical keyboard and it's really easy to clean because it comes with a key grabber. And the textured WASD and 123456 (not pictured) come in handy for quick button finds
Thanks for the feedback, you're the most helpful OP in a long time.
No problem! Just trying to be helpful and offer feedback
The only had part is that its only partially mechanical
Yeah, but it's mechanical where it matters, only the top function keys, delete, page down, scroll lock etc. are regular keys.
Have you gamed on those 3 monitors? If so, how was it?
I only use my 1440p monitor for gaming. It's fucking incredible, it's hard to play games at 1080p after experiencing a higher resolution. The side monitors I use to watching videos while gaming and monitoring temps, etc
Thanks! It's a Rosewill Blackhawk. I'm actually upgrading to a NZXT Phantom 630 for my birthday, crossfired 7970's need their space!
I love it, have the same one. Managed to fit x-fire'd 7850's in mine :D
Nice! I loved it when I had just one 7970, but since I've crossfired (and overclocked) airflow has become a concern. Also, I have a Swiftech H220 that isn't properly mounted. It's secured to the beehive frame on the top haha I can't wait to utilize the 3 200mm fans with the NZXT 630! It'll be quieter and look sexy as fuck. I gotta put the fans for my gfx cards at like 75% when they reach 55c to keep them from getting too hot, it's loud as hell!
Sounds dope! I haven't had to mess with mine...used all the stock fans w/ the stock cpu fans. GPU's are MSI Twin Frozr's, they rarely get above 60c. Love em.
Lucky! Some games get in the upper 70s while gaming at ultra on 1440p (the witcher 2, crysis 3 and a few more demanding games) Oddly enough, since getting my new desk, my temps have been slightly cooler possibly due to the clearance space leading to more air circulation i.e. hot exhaust air not being recycled to intake fans. I really underestimated the importance of sheer pc placement!
Yeah, I hit 70 once with Witcher 2. Gotta keep those vents clean!
Sheeeeiiit dude. I have the same desk, the same headphones and a fiio amp(e10, so not the same as you). Im kinda scared that youre me.
Am I are you?!?! Well it's official, we'll have to start a club
That keyboard's lookin' a lot like a christmas present... I've been clacking away on a cheapo Dell keyboard since my laptop's d key took a nosedive and has been vacillating between not functioning at all andddddddddddddddddddddd.
I have that wallpaper too!
I love it! It's the first wallpaper I haven't changed after 2 weeks haha
Oh wow i didn't even noticed the black square! the words on the left bother me. you should subscribe to @wqdh_wallpaper if you haven't already. there's a lot of good ones on there.
Yeah I find the letter less noticeable, but still kind of bothersome. But the artist has to sign it I guess! Yeah I've subb'd there for a while now. The content is quite stale for the last few months, but I've seen a few wallpapers that were stunning enough to save
How do you like your 990's?
I love them! I went from Shure srh440's to Steelseries Siberia V2 to the 990's. I would rate them as listed. Everytime I put my Shure SRH440's on to drum (I have a Roland electronic drumset) they feel sooooooooo uncomfortable! The Siberia V2's were like heaven from those, they were extremely comfy and light and bass heavy because they were gaming headsets. But since I've had the 990's for over a month, the V2's feel so uncomfortable now! They both feel so cheap in comparison. I'm glad I bought these for $160, the premium versions are the same but with stainless steel earcups, not worth double the price in my opinion. The bass was a little lacking at first, but the bass boost on the E12 amp is absolutely perfect, it's hard to explain but the bass is just lifted up and forward just enough for a completely perfect sound signature in my novice opinion
Yeah the 880's are a little weak on the bass too, but the sound quality is such a significant improvement over my old pair of I-don't-know-whats that I got for $15 and some overstock store, lol. But yeah, the 880's are my first pair of audiophile tier phones, so I'm probably not the best judge of headphone quality. But I thought the headband was extremely uncomfortable at first, way too little padding for my sensitive head. But ever since I bought this extra padding, they've been perfect.
Yeah the 990s were a bit like a vice-grip at first on my head, clamping down and leaving the temple areas of my head a bit sore. After breaking them in, I hardly feel them at all. I really can't get over the quality and value from these headphones! I've never worn more comfortable headphones and I've never experienced such high quality sound before. Granted, sound cards/dacs/amps are required and add to the overall cost, but I feel the items I bought (and researched for weeks prior) are a perfect combination for my tastes (gaming, movies, and heavy metal)
I just bought a Galant desk myself and I'm curious as to what height you have the legs at. I can't find a comfortable height.
I just got it and i have it at the lowest height; i feel that it's comfortable when the desk is near (within 5cm) my elbows when i sit up straight and drop my hands down my side
I have it much higher than I should.
Here's a site with pictures:
Mine are at around 55. 60 was too high, but 55 seems to be ideal for my chair and wrists
What is that fiio? Which model is it?
It's a Fiio E12 Mont Blanc headphone amplifier
Shimian eh? Have an bookmark.
Is it just me or does your monitor say "Shittier"? From the quality of the picture I cannot tell.
Haha "Shimian" Korean IPS monitor
Shimian owner here. Good choice!
Any tips for stretching wallpapers? im running a 4000x800 monitor resolution total.. yeah... 3 monitors too :D
I used to look for triple monitor wallpapers, mine are 1080p--1400p--1080p so the picture would be cut out on the 2 1080p monitors. I just ended up finding a 1440p wallpaper I liked and just "fill" and repeat it on the other monitors. Sorry I don't have any tips, just what I prefer and works for me
Thanks but i already frequent their :D
Nice mixer, what brand is it
Its actually a headphone amplifier. Its a Fiio E12
Please get a real headphone amplifier. That FiiO is not worthy of powering the DT990. Leave the low end amps to the DT770 and ATH-M50 that everyone here seems to love so much. I highly recommend the Schiit Magni. I know you think the volume is loud enough already but it's really not about volume. A proper amp is much more transparent than one of those cheap FiiOs. I know because I own both. My Schiit Magni/Modi stack sounds so much clearer and has way more detail than my FiiO E07K.
I understand that amps aren't about volume entirely. The Magni and O2 amp were heavily considered when I was planning. In the end, it came to the fact that I really loved my previous Fiio E6 amp quality and the aesthetics of the E12. I really am quite pleased with the setup, I'm still a novice to audiophile equipment, but in the future I plan on trying out a higher end dac/amp setup with maybe some Beyerdynamic T1s (if I find a better job and can withstand the backlash from my fiance for buying $1500 headhphones haha)

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