Computer Setup


What are the sizes of those displays?
30 inch in the middle, two 20 inchers on the sides in portrait
► Are those the same displays as the previous setup or did you upgrade monitors too? They look bigger.
1: Same monitors different mousepad and orientation. Better pic = they look bigger.
Portrait landscape portrait (monitor orientation)
You've got to give me a link to that wallpaper, nice set up!
I just did a search for it and i can't find it to save my life. I unfortunately did a right click set as rather than a local save :/
Awesome setup! PLP is underrated.
What kind of GPU is that if you dont mind me asking? is it a 670 or a 680?
Might be a dumb question, but can you surround game with this setup or only use the middle monitor?
I'm interested too. I know the nvidia surround is usually picky and that's why everyone told me to use eyefinity.
Welp looks like triple landscape for me. Thanks though. What do you use the portraits for? Out of curiosity.
Web browsing, coolcomputersetups, ebay, a stream while i'm playing a game, shit like that. :]
You can, but it isn't easy. Its not surround per set, but a 3rd party program called softth. Nvidia and AMD don't support PLP for gaming.
Do you like the keyboard?
Pros: red switches are nice, the build quality is top notch, and I love the elevated keys.
How easy was it to find monitors that fit perfectly? I'm very interested in this. I've got two 27" monitors, but I'm interested in selling one off and getting two small ones to do PLP
This setup is pretty unique, I can't think of another setup that uses two different sizes/ kinds of monitors that lines up quite like this. I mean it's an EXACT fit in terms of vertical resolution and the actual size of the monitors themselves.
What did you dislike about the Cosmos II? I was thinking of getting one for my next rig, but I've decided to get a CaseLabs SMH10 instead. Cosmos II just didn't have enough radiator spots for me.
Lepai amp! I've got one coming in the mail. How is it?

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