Computer Setup


It needs to be said, and it hasn't, so I guess I'll take the credit bullet.
The problem is everyone buys a DSLR, sets it to auto, takes a shot then bumps up the contrast/HDR and fancy themselves a photographer. Photography, like art, is either in you or it isn't. You can learn, sure, but true talent can't be taught.
Posting that shit all over my newsfeed also seems to be an integral part of becoming a "photographer".
Or linking your Facebook page.
Ah, there's always some dickhead that fancies himself above all others in the world of photography.
Wow. He gave you some criticism and you went full retard. How adult like.
I don't know, if he wanted advice on his photography skills there are subs for that.
I've always wondered what it would be like to be on LSD at the home/office. Win!
I was going to say something like this but less interesting
What's the deal with that WEI of 4.4?
I was wondering the same thing....
Its usualy a harddrive that can drag the score down
I can't remember what the low score was for. I'm running two graphics cards. Neither are high end. Since I don't do any gaming, I didn't need to go all out on them. I tend to stick with cards that have heat sinks only. Every card I've owned in the past with a fan on it has burned out. I could probably get away with better cards now that I don't leave the system running 24/7.
Do they let you fly the drones from here?
A little bit of a description - The square thing behind the monitors is three 2 foot by 4 foot slabs of pressed wood. Behind it is a set of 2x4s I anchored to the wall to hold up the boards. I painted the boards side by side and then mounted them to the wall. I set the tv and monitor mounts, and then drilled holes through the backboard for all the wires. I finished installing it all yesterday, and I did all of my cable management this morning. Looking at the rest of the office behind me, I want to eat a bullet. I've got a ton of shit piled up all over the place.

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