Computer Setup


Hello everyone. I'm finally getting around to redesigning my home office / gaming setup and after seeing some of the incredible work here from many of you all, I'd love to ask for some ideas, thoughts, feedback, etc.
I only flicked through the video, not really listening, just to get a better layout of the room. My caffeine induced frenzy at the moment wont let me watch it in full. And if something doesn't make sense right now, Im typing this out in a caffeine induced remodeling for my room as well.
I love the idea of a round setup, though i like my own flat. I can see you are running two setups which makes it even more interesting that you chose a round desk. Personally i'd have a setup like the one you are planning on, but with sharp 90 degree corners rather than the round ones. I think that over time, at would look a bit more clean.

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