Computer Setup


That looks really nice. Thanks for sharing. (I doubt anyone wants to see my laptop on a messy desk)
This is absolutely perfect, god tier computer setup!
Heh, thanks very much :D
Full details of setup in the coolcomputersetups album's description.
How do you operate a VT220 without a/with another keyboard?
Great looking station! Is that thin, rectangular box you were taking pictures of you computer case? If so, what model?
Thank you :) It is indeed. Check the coolcomputersetups description of the album for all the details, it includes the desktop's specs.
Great setup. Love the terminal. Can I ask what hardware / os you used for your firewall/router.
Thank you :) Yeah, of course. I use a little ALIX 213d, with OpenBSD installed, then, of course, I use PF for packet filtering.

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