Computer Setup


Kaliformia, no right to bear arms.
I saw the California Republic flag and had a small hope that it was actually the New California Republic flag from Fallout: New Vegas and that the bear had two heads. Either way, amazing setup! I've been considering getting the Yeti, although I may end up just going a little cheaper and getting the Snowball iCE or Nessie.
How is the Blue Yeti for skyping?? I head there is a lot of voice delay with it
For skyping, a blue yeti is all you need. It is VERY sensitive, so I don't recommend it if you have a loud keyboard, or a loud fan. But overall, the microphone is great. Great quality, and some great features (Volume, gain, and mute button).
AMD Radeon r9 and r7 come out in three days IIRC. Supposedly they are the bee's knees and you may want to consider that over a GTX 770.
I might, but I also hear that the 770, 780 and the TITAN are going to drop in prices because of the new AMD releases. I will see in a while.
If you get a 770, go 4GB. That is my only regret in buying my 2GB GTX 770.
Why exactly? Does it matter much?
I like it. Simple is always good, IMO. How's that mic?
Thanks, the mic is great, it picks up A LOT of sound, which can be quite annoying sometimes since I have a keyboard that makes a lot of sound,I can talk from my kitchen like 10 meters away and it will still be loud and clear, but the sound quality is good and it's USB so it's easy to set up and use.

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