Computer Setup


Respect for the tenkeyless blank.
I love mine <3 best keyboard I ever had
Do you like that mouse? I currently have a naga, but i was thinking about picking that one up because it has the same forward and backward buttons as the naga I have.
I could never be productive with a mirror there. Just keep looking at my handsome self.
What desk is that? I think I have the same monitor. nice!
How does that desk hold up? Looking to get it
I don't have it but I have seen it before. Requesting OP's opinion on this desk.
What keyboard is that? Nice setup!
I'd like to know what keyboard it is as well!
It says it's a CM Storm Quickfire Rapid.. The keys are not the defaults though
Woops thanks. always using hover zoom and forgetting to check the link for text
What's the mouse like? Is it worth the $80?
How's that chair? Is it comfortable?
Oh man, one of the cleanest setups i've seen here
Very simple and clean. That keyboard looks amazing! I have been wanting to get my first mechanical, is the blue different than the red keys?
How comfortable is that chair? I'm thinking of getting a new one, and the price on that one is pretty appealing.

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