Computer Setup


This picture only reminds me that The Last of Us will never come out for PC. Now I'm sad.
Took some pictures before the kids came back to invade? I love the "family" feel to it!
What's the thing holding up your PC on the side of the desk? And is it pretty heavy duty?
It's a summera extension to Ikeas galant desk series. It's pretty sturdy and I'm sure it holds any case that fits.
The wall that your TV is in front of is a prime spot for a projector setup. Nice gaming setup overall!
Copperheads are still awesome. <3 I wonder how much longer mine's going to last?
How do you find the MX browns for gaming? Not sure whether to go with the browns or blues.
I'd say that brown switches are better for gaming. They are a nice middle ground between blue and black switches. Blue switches tend to take more time to get used to when gaming due to their "clicky" nature. Blues are also loud as hell and can possible annoy the shit out of potential girlfriends, cats, babies, neighbours or coworkers.
A gaming setup without ikea stuff is like a computer without a case.
You should see my dorm. Even the towels and sheets came from Ikea.
Cant go wrong with IKEA, ever.
I know we see a lot of Ikea Galants here but people PLEASE get the T-legs. They are worth the extra cost and add tons of benefits. I cry every time I see the A-frame legs.
Sorry, but what are the benefits for the T-Legs? I'm not arguing or anything, I just want to know.
I mainly got the a-legs because they take up less space on the floor and they look nicer. The only advantage i saw in the t-legs was easier height adjustment would have saved me half an hour when I put it together.
Asus DX but you're using a gaming headset?? Did I over look some hifi headphones, or do you actually use those headphones with that card?

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