Computer Setup


My favorite picture was the one of the box :)
The bubble wrap... so much of it. keeping it for a power cut ;)
Always fun to see people spending more money on mics and CPU cooling then monitors.
I'm glad I'm not the only one using a square monitor still
The case is too compact for any real CM, this is the best possible with my experience
Have you considered spending more than 25 cents on a case?
Case isnt a priority for some people. Performance over looks. Anti apple
I agree with you. Yes it was only £30 but I don't give two shits about looks. Does it work? Yes, good.
Still, poor cable management can lead to an increase in temperature which affects performance. It's also never a good idea to leave wires hanging loosely as they can get lodged in fans or short circuit PCBs
Yeah, i understand but the whole HDD rack is filled, there are fans everywhere and then the PSU introduces more cables. This is the best that I could get it. I tried.
Been building PC's 20 odd years, generally just tie-wrap cables together and push them away from anything spinning.
Seems like he forgot to buy the side door.
If you would buy me a case I would happily re-do the cables but with this case, no chance

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