Computer Setup


Nice job not being afraid of using some elbow grease vs. going to ikea like everyone else :P
I think the 24" asus is the heaviest thing on the desk and its got two 2x4's under it mounted directly to the 2x4's that run to the ground.
Nice setup, what case is that?
Storm Trooper, its a full sized case. For comparison its 2 foot tall.
I don't know the configuration of your case, but I recommend that you prop your case up higher off the ground, unless you enjoy cleaning your case all the time. Just trying to help!
I normally clean it every 30-40 days, the house is pretty dusty because of the carpet, I personally can't wait to be rid of carpet.
Only something for you to keep in mind!
Could it be? Another simracer/wower? :) Nice setup!
Euro Truck sim 2 mostly, used to play Iracing and was almost a 100%er, might go back.
Yep me too, although I have a G25, it's a complete, versatile package that's very good for it's price. Never played anything else than WoW actually, it's the first and probably only RPG i'll ever play :) iRacing is hardcore, you really have to invest a lot of time in it, and money too, but that's worth it if you go 100%.
I've been looking at getting that steering wheel, is it a good one to go for? Also what games do you play with it?
Euro Truck sim 2 mostly, but I also play a bit of race 07 and I may go back to Iracing.

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