Computer Setup


PS3 as a footrest? I like it.
Not too bad! Looks pretty awesome!
Thanks! Now I just need to work on getting some cable management done.
For what it is, looks like you don't have all that many cables. haha. My server room looks a little bit interesting.
I'm pretty proud of this considering I am a Junior in high school (16) and bought all of this on my own.
Budget with two monitors? Anywho, why are your speakers on the ground?
I got one of the monitors a year ago for $80 and the other one refurbished a week ago for $60 and I keep my speakers on the ground because they look cluttered on top of my desk. It doesn't really affect the sound.. they are like $10 speakers.
Here is the Desk If you plan on buying the desk, beware that after your Amazon warranty you will basically get no customer support. The company that makes the desk tends to not pick up their phones.
So that desk will just fold up? Was there any assembly required when you first received it?
Yes everything besides the top folds. The only assembly required is sliding the top into the locks which takes about 30 seconds.
Thanks, I might consider picking one up at some point :)
What kind of mouse is that? Looks comfy
Nice! Thanks for the link, dude! I'm going to have to check one of these bad boys out for myself, asap!
Man, my room never looked that clean when I was in high school.
99$ folding desk from staples? nice. i have the same one

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